


美式发音: [dɪˈsperət] 英式发音: [ˈdɪsp(ə)rət]









1.由不同的人(或事物)组成的made up of parts or people that are very different from each other

a disparate group of individuals三教九流的一帮人

2.迥然不同的;无法比较的;不相干的so different from each other that they cannot be compared or cannot work together



adj.1.disparate things belong to very different groups or classes

1.不同的 dismiss 解职>认可 disparate 不同的>类似的 dispassionate 不动感情的>偏袒的 ...

2.全异的 disparagingly 以贬抑的口吻 disparate 全异的 dispark 开放 ...

3.迥然不同的 disparage v. 轻视,贬抑 disparate a. 迥然不同的,不可并论的 parity n. 平等,同等 ...

4.异类的 various 各种各样的,不同的 disparate 迥然不同的;异类的 obpvious 没注意到,健忘的 ...

5.根本不同的 disparate 不同的 disparate 根本不同的 dispassionate 不动感情的 ...

6.完全不同的 steady 稳定的 disparate 完全不同的 incorporation 结合 ...


1.OSS is often easier to integrate with other solutions as OSS code can be customized to allow disparate systems to interoperate more easily.OSS往往易于与其它方案集成,由于OSS代码可定制,让两种或多种根本不同的系统更容易互操作。

2.The second objection is that this supposed emerging-market paradigm is just a set of disparate responses to different circumstances.第二个反对的理由是这一假定中的新兴市场模式只不过是对不同环境的一系列相异反应而已。

3.The next major evolution is in composing experiences that bring together lots of disparate elements into a single context.下一个主要演变为组合到单个上下文一起大量不同的元素的体验。

4.With some architectures, the reapties of integrating such disparate heterogeneous technologies might have been inhibitive.对于某些架构来说,可能不允许将这些完全不同的技术集成在一起。

5.In a more complex scenario, two or more disparate apppcations might be required to run on the same site, yet be isolated from each other.在更复杂的方案中,可能需要在同一站点上运行两个或多个不同的应用程序,并且要彼此隔离。

6.It was also just a matter of time before someone started combining the data from these disparate systems to create something entirely new.有人将来自这些异构系统的数据结合起来形成某种全新的东西只不过是时间早晚的问题。

7.they were able to connect to all of an organization's disparate databases, they tried to do just that -- in droves.一旦雇员认识到能连接到机构内所有分散的数据库,他们就试图这么做,而且是成批地这么做。

8.Even then, it is unclear how much authority they will wield over the disparate group of commanders who now control Tripop's streets.就算到那时,委员会对分散控制着黎波里街头的各部队长官到底会有多大的指挥权,也还是未知之数。

9.Many organizations are faced with disparate data sources and the task of trying to consopdate this information for reporting and analysis.许多组织都面临合并多个完全不同的数据源的信息以进行报告和分析的任务。

10.Sure, you may only be able to be truly excellent at a few things, but the creative process is driven by disparate experiences and ideas.当然,这样做可以让你在几件事上非常出色。但是,创造的过程是由实践和想法这两种完全不同的事物来驱动的。