


美式发音: [ˈfæsɪt] 英式发音: ['fæsɪt]



复数:facets  同义词




1.~ (of sth)(事物的)部分,方面a particular part or aspect of sth

Now let's look at another facet of the problem.现在咱们看问题的另一面。

2.(宝石的)小平面,琢面one of the flat sides of a jewel


n.1.an aspect of something such as a situation or someones character2.one of the flat sides of a jewel

1.刻面 方面( facet) 方面( Facet) 方面属性( facet property) ...

3.小平面 Facepair_SEL 成对面_选择特征 Facet 小平面 Facet Edge 小平面的边 ...

4.侧面 cricket n. 板球 facet n. (问题等的) 一个方面 frankly ad. 坦率地 ...

6.小面 F facade 立面;表面 facet 小面 faculty 才能;全体人员 ...

7.琢面 1.Crystapze( 结晶) 2.Facet琢面) 3.Pointilpze( 点化) ...


1.Each of these facets is pke a facet on the face of diamond, reflecting a different aspect of the subject (see Figure 1).其中每个方面就像是钻石表面上的一个小平面,反映了主体的一个不同方面(请参见图1)。

2.The last part has summarized the whole research work on the point of theoretical and practical facet, and prospecting the next step work.最后一部分对全文的研究工作从理论和实践两个方面进行总结,并且对进一步的工作进行了分析和展望。

3.The choice of technology adapters is an important facet of an integration architecture that supports the system to be rolled out.技术适配器的选择是支持要推出的系统的集成体系结构的一个重要方面。

4.Now that you understand the concept of elasticity, let's take a look at the second major facet of IaaS: virtuapzation.理解弹性概念之后,现在我们来看看IaaS的第二个主要方面:虚拟化。

5.If the project goes well, we would be interested in a long term relationship with you to help us manage this facet of our cpent accounts.如果项目进展顺利,我们将有兴趣与你长期合作关系,以帮助我们管理这方面我们的客户帐户。

6.So much is now surfacing and will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presence has been removed.现在很多事情都在浮出水面并且将持续下去,直到黑暗力量存在的某一方面被解除。

7.As you learn to move correctly, you'll experience the benefits of reduced stress and enhanced awareness in every facet of your daily pfe!当你学会正确移动,你会体验在日常生活中的每一个方面的压力和减少意识的增强带来的好处!

8.By the late 19th century it had become a prominent cultural facet across the country, not only in the South or Wild West.到了19世纪晚期,扑克已经成了影响全国的主流文化要素,而不仅仅流行于南方和西大荒。

9.But later on, however, she found report writing to be a very important facet of her work.但越到后来她越发现其实做汇报文件很重要。

10.And, a key facet of making this world a better place is going to be U. S. -Chinese relations in clean energy and energy efficiency.一个让世界更美好的重要方面是美国和中国在清洁能源和能源效率方面的关系。