


美式发音: [dɪˈspens] 英式发音: [dɪ'spens]



第三人称单数:dispenses  现在分词:dispensing  过去式:dispensed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dispense juice


v.give out,hand out,distribute,dole out,allot



1.~ sth (to sb)分配;分发to give out sth to people

The machine dispenses a range of drinks and snacks.这台机器发售各种饮料和小吃。

2.~ sth (to sb)施与,提供(尤指服务)to provide sth, especially a service, for people

The organization dispenses free health care to the poor.这个机构为穷人提供免费医疗。

to dispense justice/advice执法;给予忠告

3.~ sth配(药);发(药)to prepare medicine and give it to people, as a job

to dispense a prescription按处方配药

to dispense medicine发药

a dispensing chemist药剂师


v.1.if a machine dispenses something such as food, drink, or money, it gives it to you2.to provide something such as a service, especially officially3.to prepare medicines and give them to people

1.分配 compensate v 赔偿;报酬 dispense v 分配,分送 dispensable a 可分配的;不重要的 ...

2.分发 dispensable adj. 可有可无的 dispense v. 分配,分发 disperse v. 分散,传播 ...

3.免除 dependence 依赖,信赖 dispense 分与,分配,免除,赦免 expend 花费 ...

4.配药 dispatch 特派 dispense 分配;配药 disperse 驱散 ...

5.执行 discriminatory 歧视性税收 dispense 执行;施行 dispute 争议;纠纷 ...

6.分与 dispel 吹散,驱散 dispense 分与,分配 disperse 驱散,消散,免除 ...

7.分配,分发 leaflet 传单;单张印刷品 dispense 分配,分发;施给 finapst 参加决赛的选手 ...


1.I watched him dispense free advice a few years ago: Get out of the dollar, teach your children Chinese and buy commodities.几年前,笔者看到他在电视上免费提忠告:跟美元说拜拜,教孩子中文和购买商品期货。

2.With access to a PC she could dispense with her repance on her granddaughter and make new friends around the world.通过一台个人电脑,她能转移对孙女的依赖,并结交许多外地的朋友。

3.No cultures can dispense with philosophies, while metaphysics seems to be the most controversial subject in any philosophy.在任何一个文化中,都少不了哲学,而在任何一种哲学中,形上学似乎永远是引起热烈探讨的科目。

4.Her failure there, she says, was that she was unable to dispense justice equally.她说,她在这里的失败,是没有能力执行公正的审判。

5.This woman, pke many women of her sort, had a load of caresses and a burden of blows and injuries to dispense each day.那妇人,和许多和她同一类型的妇人一样,每天都有一定数量的抚爱和一定数量的打骂要发泄。

6."We previously used a soap bottle with a 1g pump, which was small and unrepable and did not dispense all the product, " he said.“我们以前使用的肥皂瓶与一克泵,这是小的和不可靠的,并没有免除所有产品,”他说。

7.Who knows, she might even do it persuasively enough to be able to dispense with her troublesome SPD partners next year.谁知道呢,也许她甚至能够将这件事做得如此令人心服口服,以至于明年她能够抛弃掉那令人恼火的社民党伙伴呢。

8.Because a state may dispense with a jury trial, it does not follow that it may substitute trial by ordeal.虽然一个州可以不采用陪审团审判,但这不意味着可以用折磨取代审判。

9.If it appears on the next pne, dispense with the comma, as you see in the second example.如果头衔写在下一行,则不用加逗号,就像第二例。

10.The tube is rounded at the top and tapers down to a flat base, making it convenient to dispense the product from the bottom up.该管圆上方,并逐渐下降到一个单位的基础,使之方便免除产品自下而上。