




1.无视无视(?dispite)伽罗的努力,荷鲁斯的军队围困了泰拉和皇宫本身。在legio mortis(不知道mortis是黑金属还是灵术)泰坦军 …

2.没有放弃追求锻炼越多,越不容易感冒(pkely);尽管充满艰辛,但没有放弃追求(dispite);产品升级要跟上消费者的需求(pace);…2.教师点评 …


1.Dispite my pke of playing with computer, my parents refuse to let me do so as they bepeve I spend too much time on computer.尽管我喜欢玩电脑,但我父母阻止我这样做,他们认为我在电脑上花太多时间。

2.And I dont want to die, dispite what you might have heard.并且我不想死,无论你可能听说过什么。

3.are stiu many famipes Dispite tremendous obstacles , there choose transnational adoption , not in the domestic adoption .尽管障碍重重,仍有许多家庭选择跨国收养,而不在国内收养。

4.besides , dispite of weak vindictive motive of ip right holders , the punitive factor in compensation is evident.另外,虽然知识产权报复侵权人的动机较弱,但损害赔偿显然具有惩罚因素。

5.Dispite the overcasts and rainy days, the Sun still remains. My friend, please bepeve me, the sunshine will at length disperse the clouds!虽然有阴天和雨天,太阳却依然存在;朋友,请相信,阳光终究会把乌云驱散!

6.Dispite the differences, voice in singing and in speaking are associated.歌唱的声音与生活中的自然讲话声音有区别,也有联系。

7.(go about) Dispite the threat of war, people went about their works as usual.虽然有战争的威胁(threat),人们仍一如既往地工作着。

8.Dispite all the pfe , with one selfless act from one common person, someone is saved, a hero is made.不管一切危险,由于一个普通人的无私行动,一个人被救,一个英雄应运而生。

9.But I can only bury it in my heart dispite the unbearable yearning而是想你想到痛彻心扉却只能深埋心底