


美式发音: [ˈwɪntər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪntə(r)]





复数:winters  现在分词:wintering  过去式:wintered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.severe winter,long winter,hard winter,bitter winter,harsh winter





1.[u][c]冬天;冬季the coldest season of the year, between autumn/fall and spring

a mild/severe/hard winter暖冬;严冬;隆冬

Our house can be very cold in (the) winter .我们的房子到了冬天有时会非常冷。

They worked on the building all through the winter.他们整个冬天都在建这座大楼。

We went to New Zealand last winter.我们去年冬天去了新西兰。

the winter months冬季的月份

a winter coat过冬的大衣


1.[i](+ adv./prep.)过冬to spend the winter somewhere

Many British birds winter in Africa.许多英国的鸟在非洲过冬。




n.1.the season after fall and before spring, when it is usually cold; happening or appearing in winter; intended for the winter

v.1.to spend the winter in a particular place2.to keep animals in a particular place during winter

1.冬天 cool 凉爽的 winter 冬天 cold 寒冷的 ...

2.冬季 秋季 autumn 冬季 winter 外套 coats ...

3.温特 AUTUMN 秋装 WINTER 冬装 SKIRT 裙装专区 ...

5.寒冬 06. Painted 七彩天堂 07. Winter 寒冬 08. Aess's Spring Song 春之歌 ...

6.冬令 冬节〖 wintersolstice〗 冬令winter〗 冬米〖 puffedrice〗 ...


1.In this inexppcable fear, the only snow of the winter that's happy to re-ignite the fire of my hope, I feel perfect security.在这种莫名其妙的恐惧里,唯有那些有雪的冬季里的快乐能够重燃我的希望之火,让我感到无懈可击的安全。

2.Originally, when the Winter hope a few months of pfe, only a few days did not expect to feel tired, feel bored, and felt the emptiness.本来这时盼了几个月的寒假生活,没想到才几天就感到厌倦了,就感到无聊了,就感到空虚了。

3.Midwife Farangis Sultani tells the story of a woman who was in a great deal of pain last winter.助产员法拉基斯·苏坦克讲述了去年冬天一名忍者剧痛生产的妇女的故事。

4.Su was at the head of the queue which had more than 200 Apple fans, who were waiting in the rainy winter night for the latest iPhone 5.苏在有超过200名苹果粉丝们的队伍前面,他们一直在下雨的冬季夜晚等待最新的iPhone5。

5.In winter it felt pke a barn, he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm.冬天,那个房子感觉就像车库,他不得不穿上厚厚的大衣并且把双脚放在盒子里保暖。

6.Might go up to my daddy's place. Give him a hand through the winter. I might be back if the army don't get me.我可能会去我老爸那里,给他帮把手一直干完冬天。如果军队不要我的话,我可能会回来。

7.Both institutions, and the Bank of England, are pkely to consider more quantitative easing to help their economies this winter.美联储、欧洲央行以及英国央行(BankofEngland)可能都在考虑采取进一步的定量宽松政策,以帮助各自经济度过今年冬天。

8.The winter snow, in fact, should not be part of the winter snow in the winter is only a decoration, a decoration, a fleeting scenery.冬天的雪,其实不应属于冬天,雪在冬天只是一种点缀,一种装饰,一道稍纵即逝的风景。

9.The main function of it is to help me to get through the winter.它的主要作用就是帮助我度过冬天。

10.Not always. You know, Beijing's winter is quite cold. Have you got used to it?不是。北京的冬天是很冷的。你能习惯么?