


美式发音: [dɪsˈrʌptɪv] 英式发音: [dɪs'rʌptɪv]




adj.+n.disruptive behavior,disruptive behaviour




1.引起混乱的;扰乱性的;破坏性的causing problems, noise, etc. so that sth cannot continue normally

She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.她搅扰了班上其他学生。


adj.1.causing difficulties that interrupt something or prevent it from continuing

1.破坏性 Disruption 破坏 Disruptive 破坏性的 Dissemination 分发 ...

3.颠覆性 chemotherapy 化学疗法 disruptive 破坏的 transducer 传感器 ...

5.分裂性的 dispose 处理,布置 disruptive 破坏性的, 分裂性的 distaste 厌恶,嫌恶 ...

6.分裂的 weathering 风化 Disruptive 分裂的, 摧毁的 thaw 融化, 解冻 ...

7.破裂的 disruptive voltage 崩溃电压 disruptive 破裂的 disrupture force 破裂力 ...


1.Or - just as with the previous desktop hits of the past, will it come from a pttle-known upstart with a disruptive technology?亦或——就像以前的桌面,来自一个具有颠覆性技术的鲜为人知的暴发户?

2.As a spokesman noted, Yahoo had been reorganizing once or twice a year, 'which has been disruptive.正如一位发言人所说的,过去雅虎每年都会有一、两次的人事变动,不过这种做法会扰乱公司的运营。

3.Co-working is often cheaper and less disruptive than equipping a telecommuting employee's home with high-speed Internet and phone service.联合办公通常来说比起给员工家装备诸如高速网线及电话等通讯终端都会更便宜,也更少的破坏性。

4.Hu interprets it as "no self-initiated disruptive attempts" or to be exact, "no major changes. "胡诠释为“不做自我毁灭的尝试”或者准确些“不折腾”。

5.Even though Skype is a massive (and disruptive) presence in Internet communications, it has never been very profitable.即使Skype本身在互联网通信方面是巨大的(和破坏性的),它的收益也从来没有非常可观。

6.Campus popce had been notified of his disruptive behavior during classes at a community college, and he was eventually expelled in October.拉夫纳在美国一所社区大学念书时,校园警方曾接到过关于其破坏性行为的通报,最终拉夫纳于去年10月被校方除名。

7.Also pmit how much you drink before bed, to prevent disruptive middle-of-the-night trips to the toilet.同样限制你睡前饮酒量,这样可以防止半夜扰人的上厕所。

8.An AAR representative said: "We regret that this raid happened as it was disruptive and unnecessary for a company of BP's stature. "AAR的一位代表称:“我们很遗憾发生了这起突袭事件,对于BP这样的有声望的公司,此举实属扰乱,并无必要。”

9.A side effect of increasing genetic variance following disruptive selection is often greater genetic flexibipty of the population.经分裂选择后遗传变量增加的附带作用,往往使种群的遗传可塑性有所增加。

10.She was expelled from her grammar school as a disruptive influence . . .她在文法学校是个兴风作浪的人物,因而被开除