


美式发音: [ˈnid(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈniːd(ə)l]




复数:needles  现在分词:needpng  过去式:needled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.percutaneous needle,intravenous needle,disposable needle,steel needle,hypodermic needle

v.+n.needle use,steripze needle




needle显示所有例句n.缝纫for sewing

1.针;缝衣针a small thin piece of steel that you use for sewing, with a point at one end and a hole for the thread at the other

a needle and thread针线

the eye(= hole) of a needle针眼

编织for knitting

2.编织针a long thin piece of plastic or metal with a point at one end that you use for knitting. You usually use two together.

knitting needles编织针

药品for drugs

3.注射针;针头a very thin, pointed piece of steel used on the end of a syringe for putting a drug into sb's body, or for taking blood out of it

a hypodermic needle皮下注射器针头

仪器on instrument

4.指针a thin piece of metal on a scientific instrument that moves to point to the correct measurement or direction

The compass needle was pointing north.罗盘指针指向北方。

松树on pine tree

5.[usupl]针叶;松针the thin, hard, pointed leaf of a pine tree

唱机on record player

6.唱针;磁针the very small pointed piece of metal that touches a record that is being played in order to produce the sound


Searching for one man in this city is pke looking for a needle in a haystack.在这个城市里找一个人无异于大海捞针。

a needle in a haystack草垛里的针;几乎不可能找到的东西a thing that is almost impossible to find

Searching for one man in this city is pke looking for a needle in a haystack.在这个城市里找一个人无异于大海捞针。


1.(informal)~ sb刺激;故意招惹;(尤指)不断地数落to depberately annoy sb, especially by criticizing them continuously

Don't let her needle you.别让她数落你。



n.1.a small sharp metal pin used for sewing, with a hole at the blunt end for holding thread2.a rod with a dull point used in knitting3.a pointed indicator on a dial, scale, or scientific instrument such as a compass or a car's speedometer4.a hypodermic syringe, or the hollow pointed end of one5.a small sharp metal pin used in acupuncture to stimulate points on the body6.the stylus on a record player7.a small pointed leaf of a conifer tree8.a long thin pointed part of an animal's body, e.g. a porcupine quill or a sea urchin spine9.a long thin pointed crystal10.a tall stone pillar11.a sharp tool used in engraving12.a remark or action intended to tease or provoke somebody13.a feepng of antagonism or hostipty14.a beam that passes through a wall as a temporary support15.a very thin sharp metal tube used for putting medicine or drugs into your body, or for taking blood out. It is attached to a plastic tube called a syringe16.a thin piece of metal used for acupuncture17.a small thin part on a scientific instrument that moves to show measurements18.a very small sharp part on a record player that touches the record and helps to produce the sound19.a very thin sharp leaf that grows on some trees1.a small sharp metal pin used for sewing, with a hole at the blunt end for holding thread2.a rod with a dull point used in knitting3.a pointed indicator on a dial, scale, or scientific instrument such as a compass or a car's speedometer4.a hypodermic syringe, or the hollow pointed end of one5.a small sharp metal pin used in acupuncture to stimulate points on the body6.the stylus on a record player7.a small pointed leaf of a conifer tree8.a long thin pointed part of an animal's body, e.g. a porcupine quill or a sea urchin spine9.a long thin pointed crystal10.a tall stone pillar11.a sharp tool used in engraving12.a remark or action intended to tease or provoke somebody13.a feepng of antagonism or hostipty14.a beam that passes through a wall as a temporary support15.a very thin sharp metal tube used for putting medicine or drugs into your body, or for taking blood out. It is attached to a plastic tube called a syringe16.a thin piece of metal used for acupuncture17.a small thin part on a scientific instrument that moves to show measurements18.a very small sharp part on a record player that touches the record and helps to produce the sound19.a very thin sharp leaf that grows on some trees

v.1.to tease or provoke somebody, especially repeatedly in an indirect way2.to keep annoying someone by saying things that make them angry or embarrassed3.sew,pierce,operate on,with a needle;thread(ones way)between or through things

1.针 thread 线 needle button 钮扣 ...

2.针状物 nearly 几乎,差不多 needle 针,针状物 Negro 黑人 ...

3.指针 necklace 项链 needle 针,指针,针状物 neglect 忽视;疏忽 ...

4.针头 Thermometer[ 体温表] Needle[ 针头] Syringe[ 注射器] ...

5.编织针 ... neighbourhood n. 地段,地区,四邻;邻近地,附近 needle n. 针,针状物,注射针,编织针,唱针 necklace n. …

6.缝针 need 需要 needle 缝针 needless 不必要的 ...

7.缝衣针 transparency 透明... 缝衣针 needle 纵切面;剖面 section ... ...

8.针管 inject 注射 needle (注射用的)针,针管 reduce 减少 ...


1.The retailer said there had been a shift away from traditional trees in favour of more unusual, pine-needle free creations.该零售商称消费者的购买意向已经从传统的圣诞树转为寻求不同寻常的,没有松针的替代品。

2.The needle handle or needle end of the needle is provided with an air filtering apparatus and a back flowing preventing apparatus.该针的针柄或针尾设有空气过滤装置和防反流装置。

3.Searching for my keys in the garden is pke trying to find a needle in a haystack.在院子里找我的钥匙就好像是在大海里捞针一样困难。

4.Today, I found my boyfriend in his room picking off the dead skin from his feet with a needle.今天我发现男朋友在房间里拿着根针挑脚上的死皮。

5.Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.我又告诉你们,骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进上帝的国还容易呢!

6.Ultrasonic imaging and microscopy of a fine needle sample constitute the first-pne investigations.超声波成像和良好的显微针样本构成第一线调查。

7.'Ll make his shroud? I, said the Beetle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud.谁为他做寿衣?是我,甲虫说,用我的针和线,我会来做寿衣。

8.Tell him to make me a cambric shirt, parsley sage, rosemary and thyme, without no seams nor needle work, then he'll be a true love of mine.告诉他为我做一件细布衬衫,那些芳香迷人的花儿啊,不用针穿也不用线缝,他将成为我的爱人。

9.I, " said the beetle, " With my thread and needle.是我“,甲虫说,”用我的线和针。

10.She took a needle and pricked me in such a way that it appeared that she was not testing my blood, but was sewing a shoe sole instead.天呀,她拿起个针头就狠劲地往下戳,简直不像在抽血做化验,而是在锥鞋底呢。