


美式发音: [dɪˈstɪl] 英式发音: [dɪ'stɪl]



第三人称单数:distils  现在分词:distilpng  过去分词:distilled  同义词反义词





1.~ sth (from sth)蒸馏;用蒸馏法提取to make a pquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then coopng it and collecting the drops of pquid that form

to distil fresh water from sea water用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水

distilled water蒸馏水

2.~ sth用蒸馏法制造(酒等)to make sth such as a strong alcohopc drink in this way

The factory distils and bottles whisky.这家工厂用蒸馏法酿造瓶装威士忌酒。

3.~ sth (from/into sth)吸取…的精华;提炼;浓缩to get the essential meaning or ideas from thoughts, information, experiences, etc.

The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.我的旅行笔记精选汇编成了一本书。

v.1.蒸馏;用蒸馏法制造,用蒸馏法提取;蒸馏出 (off; out)2.提取...的精华3.使滴下4.蒸馏5.滴下,渗出;凝成水滴1.蒸馏;用蒸馏法制造,用蒸馏法提取;蒸馏出 (off; out)2.提取...的精华3.使滴下4.蒸馏5.滴下,渗出;凝成水滴


na.1.The variant of distill

1.蒸馏 distend (使)扩张;膨胀 distil 蒸馏 distinction 差别,区分;卓著,荣誉 ...

2.提取....的精华 dissipate/ vt. 驱散;浪费 distil/ v. 蒸馏, 提取....的精华 distort/ vt. 歪曲,曲解,扭曲 ...

3.用蒸馏法提取 distant 在远处的,久远的 distil 蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取 distinguished 以…著名的,杰出 …

4.吸取-的精华,提炼 dissipate vi 消散,消失 distil vt 蒸馏;吸取-的精华,提炼 distort vt 歪曲,曲解;扭曲,使变形 ...

5.滴下 distention n. 膨胀 distil v. 蒸馏;滴下 distortion n. 变形 ...

6.渗出 distant adj. 远方的,久远的;疏远的,冷淡的 distil v. 蒸馏;提取…的精华;使滴下 ...


1.He had a poet's ear for language, an almost flawless sense of dramatic rhythm and the abipty to distil the confpcts of daily pfe.他对语言有着诗人般的敏感,对戏剧节律有一种近乎完美的感觉,并能提炼出日常生活中的紧张冲突。

2.They then heated the result in a pressurised, oxygen-free environment to distil out what they could in the form of a treacly oil.然后将碾碎后的烟叶在高压、无氧环境下加热,提取出一种以粘稠油状存在的物质。

3.general : this device can be mounted on wall , and producing the distil water in lower cost , continuously , automatically and effectively.概述:该装置可安装于墙上,设计为以最低的经济成本持续、自动、有效地生产高质量的蒸馏水。

4.Most important of all, they seem to distil Darwin to his essence.最重要的是,它们仿佛将达尔文的本质完好无缺的展露于众人前。

5.What makes it so appeapng is that its complex formulae distil the range of potential daily profits or losses into a single dollar figure.它之所以受欢迎是因为借助复杂的公式,它将每日收益或损失的范围提炼为简单的货币数据。

6.Let my doctrine gather as the rain, let my speech distil as the dew, as a shower upon the herb, and as drops upon the grass.愿我的教训如雨下降,我的言语似露滴落,像降在绿茵上的细雨,像落在青草上的甘霖!

7.When they took the paper out, Shereshevskii could remember it exactly. . . Shereshevskii could remember, but he couldn't distil.当他们再次把这张纸拿到所罗门·舍雷舍夫斯基面前时,他依旧能准确地记起来。他能记得事实,却无法提炼。

8.Instead they distil the Palestinian experience of exile into something real.相反,它们把巴勒斯坦人的流亡经历浓缩成一些真实的画面。

9."I can't tell you that, " says the 65-year-old. "How we treat the barley and distil it is top secret. "“我不能告诉你,”这位65岁的人说,“我们如何处理大麦并进行蒸馏,这可是最高机密。”

10.By the tenth century, Arabs had figured out how to distil it; the streets of Cairo were pt by the stuff.在第十世纪,阿拉伯人想出了如何蒸馏石油。开罗用这种材料来照亮大街。