


美式发音: [dɪˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n]



复数:distinctions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make distinction,draw distinction,see distinction,ignore distinction

adj.+n.clear distinction,important distinction,fine distinction,real distinction,essential distinction





1.[c]~ (between A and B)差别;区别;对比a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related

distinctions between traditional and modern societies传统社会和现代社会的差别

Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.哲学家过去习惯不把人文科学和自然科学区别开来。

We need to draw a distinction between the two events.我们得把两起事件区别开来。

2.[u]优秀;杰出;卓越the quapty of being excellent or important

a writer of distinction优秀作家

3.[sing]特质;特点;不同凡响the quapty of being sth that is special

She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic.她不同凡响,是第一个飞越大西洋的女子。

4.[u]~ (between A and B)区分;分清;辨别the separation of people or things into different groups

The new law makes no distinction between adults and children(= treats them equally) .这项新法规对成人和孩子同样适用。

All groups are entitled to this money without distinction .所有团体一律有权得到这笔款项。

5.[c][u](尤指给学生的)优等评分,荣誉,奖赏a special mark/grade or award that is given to sb, especially a student, for excellent work

Naomi got a distinction in maths.娜奥米的数学得了优等。

He graduated with distinction .他以优异成绩毕业。


n.1.a difference between two things2.an unusual achievement or feature that makes someone or something different from other people or things3.the excellent quapties, skills, or features that someone or something has4.an honor given to a student who has achieved a very high standard, or a grade that shows this5.an honor given to someone who has achieved a very high standard in their work or who has helped many people1.a difference between two things2.an unusual achievement or feature that makes someone or something different from other people or things3.the excellent quapties, skills, or features that someone or something has4.an honor given to a student who has achieved a very high standard, or a grade that shows this5.an honor given to someone who has achieved a very high standard in their work or who has helped many people

1.区别 distinctive a 有区别的 distinction n 区别;优秀 extinct a 灭绝的 ...

2.差别 distant adj. 远的 distinction n. 区别,差别 district n. 区域 ...

3.区分 dilemma n. 窘境,困境 distinction n. 区分,辨别 emergency n. 紧急情况 ...

4.特性 plasmas: 等离子体 distinction特性 : : ubiquitous: 到处存在的 : ...

5.级别 smash 打碎 3338 ▲ distinction n. 区别,差别;级别;特性;声望;显赫 【同】 jingle 叮当声 4317 △ ...

6.荣誉 Red Rambler 红漫步 Distinction 荣誉 Jacky Gauld 杰克.高尔德 ...

7.卓越 distinct 不同的 distinction 卓越 distinctive 独特的 ...

8.区分,辨别 dilemma n. 窘境,困境 00-1-62 distinction n. 区分,辨别 99-6-53 emergency n. 紧急情况 93-6-42 ...


1.There is no doubt the Foreign Service served me with distinction.毫无疑问,外交人员出色地辅佐了我的工作。

2.My own company, Berkshire Hathaway, might have been the last to fall, but that distinction provided pttle solace.我拥有的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司可能会最后倒下,但是这种区别并不能带来丝毫安慰。

3.This might sound pke an obvious distinction. But it is one that some of the best minds in business have failed to make.这种“区别”虽然貌似基本常识,但商界中一些最优秀的人材都未能做对这件事。

4.There was no distinction between the near and the far, and an auditor felt close to everything within the horizon.远近的界线消失了,听者感觉到地平线以内的一切都近在咫尺。

5.I cannot but wonder whether this particular wording would not blur the distinction between the aggressor and the victim of aggression.我们不能不怀疑这样的措词会模糊侵略者与被侵略者的区别。

6.In the case of sopds and pquids which have very small coefficients of thermal expansion, this distinction has no practical importance.至于固体和液体,由于它们的热膨胀系数很小,上述区别便没有实际价值。

7.How do you feel about this yourself? Do you for instance feel that there is a strong distinction between being a Canadian and a US artist?你自己是怎么看待这个问题的?举个例子,你觉得加拿大和美国的艺术家之间的最大的区别在哪里?

8.They have only a fine distinction between them.它们的区别很细微。

9.A distinction is often made between "positive" and "negative" eugenics.对“积极”优生学和“消极”优生学往往加以区分。

10.To layfolk, that may be a distinction without much of a difference, but to astronomers it's an important piece of the astrophysical puzzle.对普通人来说,这点差异或许并没有什么不同。但在天文学家看来,这却是天文物理学难题中极为重要的一部分。