


美式发音: [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'stɪŋktɪv]




adj.+n.distinctive feature,distinctive style,distinctive smell,distinctive sound





1.独特的;特别的;有特色的having a quapty or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed

clothes with a distinctive style式样独特的衣服

The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head.雄鸟的头上有明显的白色斑纹。


adj.1.easy to recognize because of being different from other people or things of the same type

1.有特色的 favourable 令人满意的; distinctive 有特色的; vacant 空的 ...

2.与众不同的 persistence 坚持 distinctive 特殊的;与众不同的 coordination 协调 ...

3.独特的 distinction 卓越 distinctive 独特的 distinctly 明显地 ...

4.特殊的 persistence 坚持 distinctive 特殊的;与众不同的 coordination 协调 ...

5.区别的 descent n. 降下,下坡,家世 distinctive a. 区别的;鉴别性的;有特色的 edible a. 可食的 ...

6.显著的著性的标准:“商标由下列必要成分组成,即:以特殊或显著的( distinctive)方式印制的图案、标记、个人姓名或企业名称;个 …

7.鉴别性的 descent n. 降下,下坡,家世 distinctive a. 区别的;鉴别性的;有特色的 edible a. 可食的 ...


1.Early in its history, the company recognized the need for a distinctive package in which to sell its product.在公司的初期阶段,该公司意识到了有必要设计一个独特的包装来销售产品。

2.The very distinctive leaf margin makes this species easy to recognize, in contrast to the varieties that have been proposed within it.非常特别的叶缘使本种容易识别,与其变种可以区分。

3.However, until now, the question of how distinctive features processed in the brain is still unclear, it need to make further study.然而到目前为止,人们对独特性特征在大脑中如何获得加工依然是个未解之谜,有待进一步的深入研究。

4.All of the 290 rooms seemed to have been gutted by the fire - yesterday only a concrete skeleton with a distinctive zig-zag spine remained.所有290间客房似乎已被大火烧毁——到昨天,仅剩下一座触目惊心的齿型主干混凝土框架。

5.It is often windy in spring and winter. But the different weather makes Beijing distinctive.春天和冬天经常有风。但是这正是北京的特色。

6.The distinctive black head markings are easy to see in this photograph.图片中显而易见的是与众不同的头部的黑色斑纹。

7.He always preferred to see institutions developing out of distinctive national traits and national traditions.他总是愿意看到机构发展鲜明的民族特点和民族传统了。

8.The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge psteners.这位歌手将京剧和嘻哈音乐做了有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的新听觉以挑战听众的耳朵。

9.So far, U. S. consumers seem to prefer green cars that have distinctive looks and broadcast their identities as low-carbon, high-tech cars.目前为止,美国消费者看来更喜欢外观与众不同、自称低碳高科技的绿色环保汽车。

10.He was a fisherman, the scarring on his hands is distinctive, fish hooks. They're old, suggesting long-term unemployment.他曾是渔夫手上的疤痕很独特是鱼钩造成伤疤是很久前的了说明失业已久