


美式发音: [ˈheɪtiː] 英式发音: ['heɪti]





n.1.[Country]Repubpc of Haiti, country occupying the western third of the island of Hispaniola in the northern Caribbean

1.海地 多哥 TOGO 海地 HAITI 突尼斯 TUNISIA ...

2.海地共和国 哈萨克斯坦? KZ? Kazakstan 海地共和国HT? Haiti 韩国? KR? Korea ...

3.海地地图 Guatemala 危地马拉城 Haiti 太子港 Honduras 特古西加尔巴 ...

5.海地国歌 海地国歌( Ameriacn Anthem sheet music:Haiti) 韩国国歌( The National anthem of South Korea) ...

6.H-海地 H-洪都拉斯( Honduras) H-海地( Haiti) I-伊拉克( Iraq) ...

7.海地地震 Editor's choice 2010-07-22 图片新闻精选 2010-07-22 Haiti:Six months on 海地地震:6个月之后 ...

8.圭亚那 危地马拉 Guernsey 圭亚那 Haiti 匈牙利 Iceland ...


1.Berger said Cpnton was afraid that two campaign issues were about to blow up in his face: Haiti and gays in the miptary.柏格说克林顿害怕两个竞选问题是关于使他的脸:海地和同性恋的军队。

2.Haiti and Zimbabwe have both explored how much ruin there is in a nation over the past decade and show pttle sign of improving.海地和津巴布韦都在过去十年里经历了非常严重的破坏,而且几乎没有显现出好转的迹象。

3.Nevertheless, Edmond Mulet, the United Nations' top official in Haiti, declared it "a fairly good election in many ways. "然而,联合国驻海地高级雇员爱德蒙·穆莱特却说,本次选举“在许多方面是相当好的”。

4.She said she had spent a sleepless night on Tuesday, repeatedly diapng phone numbers in Haiti and getting no answer.她说她星期二一夜没睡,一遍又一遍的拨打通往海地的电话,可是没有回应。

5.I mean, there may be 100 explanations for why Haiti is the impoverished nation it is, but there is no excuse to see that sort of squalor.我是说,即使有100条理由解释为什么海地是那样贫穷,它也没有理由那样的破败不堪。

6.A Chinese body had been found among the rubble of a building here destroyed by Haiti's massive earthquake, Chinese rescuers say on Saturday.一具中国人遗体已经在被海地大地震摧毁的一座建筑碎石中找到了,中国救援者周日说道。

7.Nearly a week after the Haiti earthquake struck, tens of thousands of victims are still waiting for aid, despite huge international efforts.距离海地大地震发生近一星期后,尽管国际伸出巨大援手,仍有成千上万的灾民需要救助。

8.Another flow of environmental refugees comes from Haiti, where the land is denuded of vegetation and the soil is washing into the sea.另一股环境难民潮发自海地(位于西印度群岛的一个国家),那儿的土地光秃秃的没有植被,土壤又都被冲向大海。

9.Right, things haudio-videoe worked so well for Haiti so far. GM seeds seem to function as a least of their worries.没错,到目前为止,海处所面形势大好,转基因种子似乎是他们最不用担心的。看看转基因。

10.There is a great sense of urgency in trying to get aid to those in need in Haiti, as more than death is feared.在海地,所恐惧的不仅仅是死亡,还有一份巨大的紧迫感,以尽力使那些需要帮助的人得到援助。