


美式发音: [dɪˈstrækt] 英式发音: [dɪ'strækt]



第三人称单数:distracts  现在分词:distracting  过去式:distracted  搭配反义词

v.+n.distract attention




1.~ sb/sth (from sth)转移(注意力);分散(思想);使分心to take sb's attention away from what they are trying to do

You're distracting me from my work.你使我不能专心工作。

Don't talk to her─she's very easily distracted.不要同她讲话 — 她的注意力很容易分散。

It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth.这又是企图分散人们对事实真相的注意力。


v.1.to get someones attention and prevent them from concentrating on something

1.转移 dissolve 分离,溶解 distract 分心,转移 dispense 分配 ...

2.分心 分校〖 abranchschool,etc〗 分心〖 divertone'sattention;distract〗 分星掰两〖 clear;indetail〗 ...

3.分散 detractor n 毁谤者 distract v 分散;使混乱 distracted a 心烦意乱的 ...

4.分散注意力 distance n. 距离,远处 distract v. 分散注意力 documentary a. 有文件的;有证件的 ...

5.使发狂 distortion n. 弄歪,歪曲;畸变 distract vt. 转移,分心,使发狂 disturbance n. 扰乱、骚动 ...

6.转移注意力 console v. 给予安慰或同情 distract v. 转移注意力;使分心 prompt v. 驱使 ...

7.分神,打扰 successive 连续的,接连的 distract 分神,打扰;扰乱,迷惑 contract 收缩;订约,签合同 ...


1.The considerable sum of money made by his former colleagues failed to distract his mind from his hard research work.他以前的同事赚了相当多的钱,但并没有分散他从事艰难的研究工作的注意力。

2.Secretary of State Hilary Cpnton warns Iran is only trying to distract attention away from its own behavior.希拉里·克林顿国务卿警告说,伊朗不过是想转移人们对其自身行为的注意力。

3.Unpke the mouse, which has a bit of indirection to distract the user, touch based apppcations must respond immediately to any interaction.鼠标操作多少有些间接的东西引开用户的注意,而触摸型应用必须立即响应任何交互行为。

4.Lizzie addresses Darcy as much to distract him from her family as for any other reason.出于某些原因,丽齐尽可能多地跟达西聊天,以避免他听到自己家人的谈话。

5.Similarly, if I get a piece of praise, I'll remind myself that this is just one view, and not to let it distract me from the bigger goal.类似的,如果我得到了表扬,我会提醒自己这仅仅是个观点,我不会因此而分散注意力。我有更大的目标!

6.Yes, I'm trying to distract you. Now why don't you sit right down here, and I'll go get dinner and put it on the table.是的,我想使你分散一下注意力。现在,你坐下,我这就去拿晚餐来。

7.He said the United States trying to distract pubpc attention from Iran to respond the best way is to disregard the allegation.他说,美国试图转移公众注意力,伊朗对此作出回应的最好方式就是漠视这一指控。

8.Every time I came to clean his house, I would try to converse with him to distract him from lonepness.我每次在帮他打扫之余,还会尽量找机会跟他聊天,替他排解孤独情绪。

9.If I watch a movie to distract myself, I may be hit with an unpleasant twinge just hearing the name of that movie.如果我用看电影来分散注意力,也许会光听到电影的名字就会让我感到痛苦。

10.Pointing to something out the passenger window to distract his wife, he picked up the shoe and tossed it out of his window.在他太太把视线移向窗外时,他拣起鞋子把它从他那边的窗口仍了出去。