


美式发音: [ˈsiˌʃɔr] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌʃɔː(r)]



复数:seashores  同义词




1.海岸;海滨the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, usually where there is sand and rocks


n.1.a piece of land next to the ocean, especially a beach

1.海岸 cave n. 山洞 seashore n. 海岸 pirate n. 海盗 ...

2.海滨 海北天南〖 faraway,distancefromnorthseatosouthsky〗 海滨seashore;seaside〗 海波〖 hyp…

3.海边 shell 壳;外壳 seashore 海岸;海边 strawberry 草莓 ...

4.海滩 鸽子 pigeons 海滩 seashore 杜鹃与夜莺 cuckoo & philomel ...

5.海浪声 122 Breath Noise 呼吸声 123 Seashore 海浪声 124 Bird Tweet 鸟鸣声 ...

6.西肖尔 New York 纽约) Seashore 地中海) Home 自家) ...


1.I wish I were the wind, and you walking along the seashore, would uncover your breasts, and let me touch them as I blow.当你沿着海滩漫步,我多想化为那轻风,掀起你的胸衣;每当我吹起,让我抚摸你的双乳。

2.In systems run by a few famipes, people are very precise about which bit of forest or seashore they manage.在一个由几个家庭共同运作的系统里,人们会将哪一片森林或者海滩归谁管理分得非常精准。

3."By the time youcomeback, I shall already be walkingalong the seashore of Hawaii, " she said cheerfully.“等你回来的时候,我已经在夏威夷的海滩上漫步了,”她兴奋地说。

4.Stepping out of the Signal Hill Park, you could take a stroll on the seashore sidewalk along the coast.走出信号山公园,你可以去滨海步行道看看。

5.They came out with all their troops and a large number of horses and chariots--a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore.这些王和他们的众军都出来,人数多如海边的沙,并有许多马匹车辆。

6.Someone says "To relax the tense mood, nothing is better than going out for a walk at the seashore at night. "有人说:“舒缓紧张的心情,莫过于夜晚在海边散步”。

7.Soon people ran away from the sea to fight the fire , and when the huge waves rolled on to the seashore , there was no one there .不久人们逃离了大海去战胜火灾,当巨浪滴落在到海边、不见一人在那里。

8.This is usually also a time for family vacations in the U. S. , with trips to the seashore or a mountain lake and barbecues in the backyard.这也是美国人的家庭假期,人们会到海边或山上、湖边旅游,或者是在家中后院烤肉作乐。

9.The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where -- it is said -- pirates used to hide gold.在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。

10.Echoes from the past times when they had exchanged tender words all the day long came pke the diffused murmur of a Seashore. . .他们从前交换的甜言蜜语,整天价絮絮不断,和…海滩上发出来的在各处回响的涛声一样。