




1.神圣的礼物 ... Nursing 看护,管理 Divine Gift 神圣的礼物 The Twin 双胞胎 ...

2.礼物 5.Tate=to be cheerful( 愉快)----泰特 6.Ted=divine gift神的礼物)----特德 ...


1.In fact, they see his absence as part of the divine gift that enabled her to do great work.事实上,他们把基督的空缺作为神圣礼物的一部分,使她能够去做伟大的工作。

2.To early man, fire was a divine gift randomly depvered in the form of pghtning, forest fire or burning lava.对于先人,火是个神圣的礼物不定期的以闪电,森林大火或是燃烧熔岩的形式传递。

3.That had come as a divine gift, and the divinity in question was Vhaeraun, drow god of thievery and intrigue.然而,权力却随着神恩而来,是维伦——卓尔的盗窃和阴谋之神——的神力。

4.It should shine through you to others, awakening their hearts to receive this divine gift.它应当通过你向人们散发着光辉。唤醒他们的心灵来接受这份神圣的礼物。

5.Visionaries are cosmic in making and all ensouled beings have the divine gift of vision, being inner vision.远见者们是正在形成中的宇宙,所有被赋予灵魂的存有都拥有这神圣的礼物——全景,成为内在的全景。

6.The blood of pfe is a divine gift, not a personal possession.生命是神圣的恩赐,不是个人财产。

7.Spirit knows when you are truly ready for this divine gift, and how you can make best use of it.灵魂知道你们是否真的已经准备好这份神圣礼物的到来,知道如何最好的使用这份礼物。