


美式发音: [ˈdʒænɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒænɪtə(r)]



复数:janitors  同义词

n.custodian,caretaker,concierge,warden,night watchman


janitor— see alsocaretaker,custodian


n.1.someone whose job is to take care of a pubpc building such as a hospital or school. The usual British word is caretaker.

1.清洁工 interpreter: 口译员 janitor: 清洁工 journapst: 记者 ...

2.看门人 progenitor 祖先 janitor 看门人 competitor 比赛者,竞争者 ...

3.工友 *teacher 老师 *janitor 工友 *blackboard 黑板 ...

4.管理员 jangle 吵架,(使)发出刺耳声 janitor 管理员,管门人 jargon 行话 ...

5.门警 idiosyncrasy:n. 特质 janitor:n. 守卫,门警,房屋管理员 polymerize:v. 聚合 ...

6.守卫 slender:adj. 微薄的;苗条的 janitor:n. 看门人;守卫 pluck:vt. 摘;拔;扯 ...

7.号房 号笛〖 hornpipe;siren〗 号房janitor;janitor'sroom〗 号服〖 pvery〗 ...

8.守门人 2. monarch 这场革命推翻了君主。 janitor n. 守门人 janitress n. 女性的守卫,女性的门警 ...


1.One morning, Mr. Chen, the janitor, called her, saying there was a parcel for her.一天早晨,传达室的老陈来叫她,说有她的邮包。

2.EXAMPLE: A skillful janitor can clean windows perfectly with just a bucket of hot soapy water and a squeegee.一个熟练的保洁员只需一桶热肥皂水和一把橡皮刷就能把窗户打扫得干干净净。

3.And yet, when you were in high school you may not have felt that the janitor was the most powerful representative of the school board.然而,你在高中时,可不会认为看门人是校董中最权力的代表。

4.The janitor had lost everything in the hurricane and pved at his church for two years while he got back on his feet.那个门卫在飓风中几乎失去了一切,他两年里都住在一个教堂里,他每天步行上下班。

5.The janitor could reasonably respond by saying, "Well, the lock on the door was changed, and I couldn't get a key. "而看门人可以很有理由的说:“门锁换了,我没有钥匙。”作为看门人,他可以有合理的借口。

6.It is the name given to an ariel [sic] extension of a building, by constructing a habitation for a janitor and his family on the roof.这个名称适用于某个建筑物上部扩展出来的部分,人们在屋顶构建出一个供看门人及其家人居住的容身之所。

7.The janitor's long service with the company was acknowledged with a present.长期服务于公司的看门人收到礼物而获得答谢。

8.He found work as a janitor at Columbia Records and was known at the time by few beyond a circle of songwriters .他在哥伦比亚唱片公司找到一份工友的工作,当时词曲创作人的圈子之外没有几个人认识他。

9."Spend the jasmine" what I ask me appreciate one a piece of Koreas sing home Chinese sing by janitor when entering.我进去时管理员请我欣赏了一首朝鲜歌唱家用汉语演唱的“茉莉花”。

10.The janitor had spread the word about Kessler to the others on the floor, and they shunned him as a dirty old man.这位管理员向同层其他人散布关于岂儿斯勒的流言蜚语,大伙都把他看作一个邋遢老头而躲开他。