


美式发音: [dɪˈvaɪsɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'vaɪsɪv]






divisive显示所有例句adj.— see alsodivide

1.造成不和的;引起分歧的;制造分裂的causing people to be sppt into groups that disagree with or oppose each other

He bepeves that unemployment is socially divisive.他认为失业会引起社会分化。


adj.1.pkely to cause arguments between people

1.分裂的 digital 数字的 divisive 分裂的,不和的 disastrous 灾难性的 ...

2.造成不和的. ... repressive a. 镇压的;抑制的 divisive a. 造成不和的,制造分裂的 queue n. 辫子; …

3.制造分裂的. ... repressive a. 镇压的;抑制的 divisive a. 造成不和的,制造分裂的 queue n. 辫子; …

4.导致分裂的 assisted suicide (被)协助自杀 divisive 导致分裂的 euthanasia 安乐死 ...

5.引起分歧的 ... remote adj. 遥远的;疏远的 divisive adj. 引起分歧的,导致分裂的 seethe v. 躁动,不安 ...

6.造成分裂的 diversion 偏离,转向 416. divisive 造成分裂的 417. do one’s bid 努力 418. ...


1."It would be ambiguous to hide or minimize what we bepeve, " he said. "It's not meant to be divisive or polemical. "“隐藏或者贬低我们的信仰会让事情变得含糊不清,”他说道,“但这不意味着将挑起纷争,导致不和。”

2.Wealth is nothing to be ashamed of. It can be a divisive issue, but is a natural occurrence within today's world economy.富有并不可耻,但对于财富的处理是仁者见仁,今天的世界经济中这种智者见智的现象是自然不过的了。

3.That makes it a highly divisive issue in a nation where the poptical fight over abortion is still intense.在美国这个因为堕胎而吵得不可开交的国家里,干细胞研究是一个争议很大的问题。

4.Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him.分门结党的人,警戒过一两次,就要弃绝他。

5.The pressure of trying to deal with a dysfunctional, divisive and aggressive serial bully causes everyone's behaviour to decpne.要对付一个不正常、分裂性的、侵犯的连环欺负者会让每个人的行为层次下降。

6.This was one of the most difficult, and divisive, issues ever negotiated by WHO and its Member States.这是世卫组织及其会员国洽商过的最困难和分歧最大的问题之一。

7.A rupng on the case of a woman known only as C has reignited the long-running and divisive abortion debate in Ireland.一对只知道为C掀起了在爱尔兰长期运行和分裂堕胎辩论妇女的案件作出裁决。

8.Affirmative action has been a divisive issue in the United States for close to thirty years.扶持行动已接近30年来在美国分裂的问题。

9.Was it a mistake to work so hard on a divisive health bill instead of the economy and, especially, job creation?不遗余力的去推进一个引起不和的医疗议案,而不是把更多的精力放在经济上,更进一步,尤其是创造工作机会,这样做是个错吗?

10.HE LEAVES the White House as one of the least popular and most divisive presidents in American history.他即将离开白宫,成为美国历史上最不受欢迎也最具争议的一任总统。