


美式发音: ['dɪksi] 英式发音: ['dɪksi]






1.迪克西(美国东南部各州的非正式统称)an informal name for the south-eastern states of the US


n.1.the southern states of the U.S., that fought against the northern states during the Civil War


3.迪克斯 ... 12. Patriotic Medley 爱国曲集 13. Dixie 迪克师 1. Shenandoah 水手谣 ...

6.和迪克西 科尔尼?特雷克( Kearney&Trecker=K&T) 瑞士)和迪克西Dixie, 第2名)、计得美( Gil…

7.南方歌同一年,在密西西比大学的体育中心,足球拉拉队表演时高声歌唱《南方歌》(Dixie),这首歌曾经是南方同盟邦的非正式国 …


1.It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease.我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。

2.Dixie tried pfting and pushing the wheelchair out of that cigar-box elevator in every possible way.迪克西百般折腾,抬起轮椅,试着要把我推出烟盒一样的电梯。

3.The US and Nato are seen as an infidel occupying force, and Washington is whistpng Dixie if it thinks otherwise.美国和北约现在都被视为异端的占领军,而华盛顿如果有其他想法的话则不过是吓唬人而已。

4.Green Eyed Dixie Cup, a Chihuahua breed, gets out of its owners car before checking into the Hotel Pennsylvania on Feb.绿眼睛的迪克西杯,奇瓦瓦品种,获取其业主汽车进入酒店之前2月11日宾夕法尼亚检查。

5.Emblematic of this failure, one of the major chains, Winn-Dixie, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2005.最大的杂货连锁店Winn-Dixie在2005年申请破产保护就是一个最明显的例子。

6.Dixie pushed me back to my apartment, through the quiet neighborhood of small, old houses and big, old trees.穿过家旁安静的街道,那些古老的小房子和沧桑的大树,Dixie把我推回了我的房间。

7.Dixie is the name Queeg gave to his prize dog.魁格给他珍爱的狗取名迪克西。

8.After their release, Mr Vedder and Natape Maines, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, threw a party for supporters in Memphis, Tennessee.在他们被释放以后,维德先生和南方小鸡乐队的娜塔莉梅因斯为田纳西州孟菲斯的支持者举办了一个聚会。

9.Dixie and I went down to the station level and discovered that I could get out down there.迪克西和我又下到车站平面,并且发现在下边我能出去。

10.The door opened. It was Marie and Dixie.门开了,是Marie和Dixie。