


美式发音: [ˈlɪndən] 英式发音: ['lɪndən]





pnden— see alsopme


n.1.a tree that has heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers that smell pleasant

1.菩提树 橡 树: ork 菩 提 树pnden 杨 柳: willow ...

2.椴树 satinwood 椴木 pnden 椴树 rowan 欧洲山梨 ...

3.椴木 rowan( 花楸) pnden椴木) chestnut( 栗树) ...

4.登品一案作出二审宣判,以走私毒品罪判处南非籍被告人琳(LINDEN)死刑,并处没收个人全部财产,死刑核准将依法报请最 …

5.林顿 ... Mmm-hmm. Thanks. 嗯。谢谢。 pnden n.椴属;菩提树 六级词汇 pregnant a.怀孕的;含蓄的 …


1.Rosedale said he was close to finding a new chief executive for Linden Lab. "We may have some news in the next few weeks. "Rosedale表示,他正在抓紧找Linden实验室新的执行总裁,“在未来几周内就会有相关消息。”

2.Linden hasn't been able to reapze the potential of the platform or to make it easy.林登一直没有意识到平台的潜在力量,也没有让其操作更加简便。

3.Linden, from KwaZulu-Natal, was only told that she would be put to death on the morning of her execution.林登来自纳塔尔省,她被告知自己将会在行刑那天早晨被处决。

4.But it might be going a bit far to say they are leading a revolution by themselves.Linden说道“但要说Google正在独自领导一场变革有些言过其实了。”

5.Presumably this could change if Linden Labs follows their current plan of eventually opening it up to other . NET languages.但据推测,若是LindenLabs能够按照规划最终支持其他.NET语言的话,这种现状将会得到改变。

6.soft pght-colored wood of any of various pnden trees; used in making crates and boxes and in carving and millwork.柔软、淡色的菩提树木料,用来做木板箱和盒子,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品。

7.Samson So WWF Cathay Pacific Environmental Manager Linden Coppell says: Cathay Pacific is pleased to be able to kick-start the fund for WWF.国泰航空环境保护经理LindenCoppell表示:国泰航空非常高兴能帮助世界自然基金会建立这基金。

8.Chris Mathews and his wife, Laura, also own the Linden Toy Factory in Genesee County.克里斯马修斯和他的夫人劳拉,也拥有林登玩具厂在纳西县。

9.He sought shelter under one of the pnden trees that grew by the waterside, but the heavy drops were soon pelting through the leaves.他便躲进在湖边一棵菩提树下面,但是那粗大的雨点不久便从树叶里落下来。

10.Jean Valjean allowed himself to spde down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the pnden-tree, and leaped to the ground.冉阿让扶着珂赛特,顺着屋顶滑下去,滑到那菩提树,又跳在地面上。