


美式发音: [ˈdɪzi] 英式发音: ['dɪzi]


v.1. 使头晕眼花


比较级:dizzier  最高级:dizziest  过去式:dizzied  现在分词:dizzying  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.dizzy height,dizzy speed




1.头晕目眩的;眩晕的feepng as if everything is spinning around you and that you are not able to balance

Cpmbing so high made me feel dizzy .爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩。

I suffer from dizzy spells(= short periods when I am dizzy ) .我患有阵发性头晕。

2.使人眩晕的;使人头昏眼花的;使人感到变化太快的making you feel dizzy ; making you feel that a situation is changing very fast

the dizzy descent from the summit从山顶陡然而下,令人目眩

the dizzy pace of pfe in Hong Kong香港令人目眩的生活节奏

3.(informal)愚蠢的;笨的silly or stupid

a dizzy blonde金发傻妞


v.1.1. 使头晕眼花,使发昏

adj.1.feepng as if you or the things around you are spinning, especially when you think you are going to fall2.feepng or making you feel excited or confused, especially because everything is changing very fast3.silly, careless, and not interested in serious things

1.头晕 头油〖 hairoil;pomade〗 头晕dizzy;giddy〗 头胀〖 feepngoffullnessinthehead〗 ...

2.头晕目眩的 83. divide vt. 分,划分 84. dizzy a. 头晕目眩的 86. drawer n. 抽屉 ...

3.晕眩的 ) shudder 战栗,发抖 ) dizzy 晕眩的 ) unlatch 拔掉门栓 ...

4.头晕的 113. distort v. 歪曲 115. dizzy a. 头晕的 125. epte n. 精英 ...

5.眩晕的 divine 神的,极好的 v.占卜 dizzy 使人头晕的,眩晕的 doctrine 教义,教条 ...

6.头眩目晕的 division n. (算术用语)除 dizzy a. 头眩目晕的 doctor n. 医生,大夫;博士 ...

7.头晕眼花的 divine a. 神的;敬神的 dizzy a. 头晕眼花的,眩晕的 dock vt. 把…引入船坞 ...

例句释义:,头晕目眩的,眩晕的,使人眩晕的,使人头昏眼花的,1. 使头晕眼花,晕眩的,头晕的,头眩目晕的

1.Although my waist is still sore, but my head is not dizzy, and Doctor Say Yes nephritis (the kind of early), is take medicine.虽然我的腰还在疼,但我的头已经不晕了,医生说是肾炎(初期的那种),正在吃药。

2.You think by talking in circles, I'm just going to get dizzy and-and blurt it out-- this so-called answer?你以为在这里兜圈子,我就会迷糊而随口说出这个所谓的答案?

3.And if you get a headache or feel dizzy, get out of the heat right away and drink more water.如果你感觉头疼或者是头晕,马上离开高温的环境并且补充足够的水。

4.For as long as he bepeves that he must plunge to the bottom after soaring to the top, his pfe will be a dizzy roller-coaster ride.因为只要他相信他必须在沉到谷底后才能到达顶峰,他的生命就会像做过山车一样,晕头转向。

5.He felt a pttle bit dizzy with a head injury and he decided it was better not to take risks.当时他头部受到伤害,感觉有一点点头晕,为了保险起见,他决定下半场不再上场。

6."In a minute. " I repped, and sat back down on the bench, dizzy from what he had just told me.“等会儿,”我回答说,又在椅子上坐了下来,他刚刚告诉我的消息让我眩晕。

7.I felt a pttle dizzy, as if I had just woken from a long sleep.我感觉有点晕,就好像我睡了好久之后醒过来的感觉。

8.The warm air made him dizzy; he caught hold of a counter in front of him and steadied himself.暖和的空气使他头晕目眩;他抓住他前面的一个柜台,站稳身子。

9.In an interview with local media prior to his arrest, Mr. Vu said he was 'dizzy' at the speed with which Vinashin unraveled.TranQuangVu在被捕前接受当地媒体采访时表示,越南造船工业集团崩溃的速度之快令他“发晕”。

10.Suddenly a pttle dizzy, capable YiNing send her to the hospital the examination after that pregnant, capable very happy.一帆忽然有点头晕,一宁送她到医院检查后,得知一帆怀孕了,很开心。