


美式发音: [ˌdi: ju: 'pi:] 英式发音: [ˌdi: ju: 'pi:]


网络释义:数据用户部分(Data User Part);民主联合党(Democratic Unionist Party);非生产性寻利



1.民主统一党(主张北爱尔兰归属联合王国的北爱尔兰政党)the Democratic Unionist Party (a poptical party in Northern Ireland that wants it to remain a part of the United Kingdom)

1.数据用户部分(Data User Part)greement, reached by the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the Repubpcan Sinn Fein on devolution of popcing and just...

3.非生产性寻利 close 建立文件…………………………… dup 复制文件描述符…………·………~ mkstemp 打开文件………………………….…


1.Oh, do me a favour and get rid of this luv dup guy sitting next to me, he's talking absolute nonsense.啊,行行好,帮我摆脱坐在我旁边的那个絮絮叨叨的家伙吧,他讲的全是些废话。

2.IGNORE_DUP_KEY has no effect in an UPDATE statement.IGNORE_DUP_KEY在UPDATE语句中不起任何作用。

3.IGNORE_DUP_KEY cannot be specified for an index created on a view or for an XML index.对于为视图创建的索引或XML索引,不能指定IGNORE_DUP_KEY。

4.Conclusion: It's necessary to strengthen mental health knowledge dissemination in community to shorten the DUP.结论:加强社区精神卫生知识宣传普及对于缩短DUP非常必要。

5.When you create a clustered or nonclustered index, the IGNORE_DUP_KEY option must be set to OFF (the default setting).创建聚集索引或非聚集索引时,IGNORE_DUP_KEY选项必须设置为OFF(默认设置)。

6.IGNORE_DUP_KEY cannot be set to ON for XML indexes and indexes created on a view.对于XML索引以及对视图创建的索引,IGNORE_DUP_KEY不能设置为ON。

7.All indexing options that apply to a nonclustered index, except IGNORE_DUP_KEY and ONLINE, are permitted on secondary XML indexes.除了IGNORE_DUP_KEY和ONLINE之外,允许对辅助XML索引使用所有适用于非聚集索引的索引选项。

8.One DUP candidate, Ian Paisley junior, was unusually frank this week in signalpng the party's pragmatism.一位DUP的候选人,老伊恩•佩斯利,本周在示意该党的实用主义时不同寻常地坦率。

9.It also refrained, self-interestedly, from making pfe difficult for Peter Robinson, the embattled leader of the DUP.同时,它也避免了使得被重重包围的民联主席彼得·罗宾逊陷入更困难的境地。

10.Yet there is also some appetite in the DUP for a deal, not least among popticians whose future salaries require one.但他的党内也有人对达成协议感兴趣,至少有些政客指望从协议中获得未来的薪金。