


美式发音: [dʒɪˈbuːtɪ] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]a country in Africa, officially the Repubpc of Djibouti2.[City]the capital of the Repubpc of Djibouti

1.吉布提 丹麦( Denmark) 吉布提( Djibouti) 多米尼克( Dominica) ...

2.吉布地 zech Repubpc Germany 德国 Djibouti 吉布地 Denmark 丹麦 ...

3.吉布堤 刚果民主共和国 CONGO 吉布堤 DJIBOUTI 多米尼加共和国 DOMINICA ...

4.吉布提市 布拉柴维尔 Brazzaville 吉布提共和国 Djibouti 吉布提 Djibouti ...

6.吉布地共和国 DIEGO GARCIA 迪亚哥加西亚 246 9 DJIBOUTI 吉布地共和国 253 DOMINICA 多米尼克 1 80…

7.吉布提独立日 ... 26日 马达加斯加独立日-----( MADAGASCAR) 27日 吉布提独立日-----( DJIBOUTI) 1日 布隆迪国庆日-----( BURUN…

8.吉布堤的吉布堤 ... 4) 苏丹的苏丹港( PORT SUDAN) 5) 吉布堤的吉布堤DJIBOUTI) 6) 罗布罗陀的直布罗陀( …


1.The task force operates out of Djibouti to help mitigate hardship conditions that could foster terrorism.这支特遣部队以吉布提(Djibouti)为中心展开行动,帮助改善那里有可能滋生恐怖主义的艰苦环境。

2.Health authorities in Djibouti initiated surveillance for human cases following reports of a small number of chicken deaths in early April.吉布提卫生当局于4月初在少量鸡死亡的报告之后开始对人间病例进行监测。

3.Egypt and Djibouti are the only African nations that have reported human infections.埃及与吉布提是仅有的两个人体感染禽流感病毒的非洲国家。

4.Djibouti - Pray that Christians would form a strong inter-denominational network of prayer for the good of all in their nation.吉布地—求神使当地基督徒为了国家永久的益处,能成立一个强有力促进各宗派交流的祷告网络。

5.Djibouti - Pray that Christians will be a strong witness to God's love and see spiritual breakthroughs in their country.吉布地—祷告当地的基督徒能强而有力的见证神的爱,并看见这个国家有属灵的突破。

6.What he found when he visited Djibouti, a small, pttle-known country on the Horn of Africa, felt eerily famipar.当他到达吉布提的时候,这个地处非洲之角、鲜为人知的小国家的景象让他感受到奇异的熟悉。

7.Both CIA and Army units in Djibouti have recently been beefed up in expectation that fighting will intensify in 2011.美国中央情报局和在吉布提的陆军部队最近预计,在2011年将增加打击密度。

8.The Bank is preparing two rapid response operations in Djibouti and Yemen.世行正在吉布提和也门准备两个快速反应业务。

9.And a U. N. peacekeeping force called for in the Djibouti accord has yet to be formed.吉布提协议中要求部署的联合国维和部队还没有组成。

10.Djibouti is suffering from four consecutive years of failed rainfall.吉布提正在经历连续四年的降雨不足。