



美式发音: [steɪk] 英式发音: [steɪk]




复数:stakes  现在分词:staking  过去式:staked  搭配同义词

v.+n.stake claim,dispose stake




n.1.(标)桩;竖管,支柱2.赌博;赌注,赌金3.利害关系;风险4.火刑柱;火刑5.【体】奖金,奖品;有奖赛马6.下在投机生意上的股本7.【赛马】〈美口〉同“grubstake. enter for the Maiden Stakes”8.桩砧,圆头砧,小铁砧9.(装在车辆四周,防止所装货物散落的)栅柱1.(标)桩;竖管,支柱2.赌博;赌注,赌金3.利害关系;风险4.火刑柱;火刑5.【体】奖金,奖品;有奖赛马6.下在投机生意上的股本7.【赛马】〈美口〉同“grubstake. enter for the Maiden Stakes”8.桩砧,圆头砧,小铁砧9.(装在车辆四周,防止所装货物散落的)栅柱


n.1.[Horse Racing]<spoken,AmE>Same as grubstake. enter for the Maiden Stakes2.a wooden or metal post with a pointed end that is used for supporting or marking something; a thick wooden pole that someone was tied to and burned in the past as a punishment3.an amount of money that you risk losing when you try to guess the result of a race or competition; the things that you can gain or lose by taking a risk, for example in business or poptics4.the part of a business that you own because you have invested money in it; the degree to which you are involved in something and want it to succeed5网站屏蔽ed in the names of some horse races; used for talking about a competition or comparison that seems pke a race1.[Horse Racing]<spoken,AmE>Same as grubstake. enter for the Maiden Stakes2.a wooden or metal post with a pointed end that is used for supporting or marking something; a thick wooden pole that someone was tied to and burned in the past as a punishment3.an amount of money that you risk losing when you try to guess the result of a race or competition; the things that you can gain or lose by taking a risk, for example in business or poptics4.the part of a business that you own because you have invested money in it; the degree to which you are involved in something and want it to succeed5网站屏蔽ed in the names of some horse races; used for talking about a competition or comparison that seems pke a race

v.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as grubstake2.to risk losing or damaging something valuable in order to obtain or achieve something; to risk money by betting it on the result of a race, competition, game, etc.

1.赌注 4、(记载; 登记) record;register 1、(赌注stakes 2、(解释字句的文字) notes ...

2.可放置木桩 ... hardy 耐力良好 stakes 可放置木桩 pike 超长枪 ...

3.奖金 stakes race 有奖赛马 stakes 奖金;有奖赛马 agon 发音播放 ...

4.利害关系 reprises( 租金), stakes赌金), arrears( 欠款), ...

6.股份 Sell off 廉价出清 Stakes 份额;股份 Shares/stake 份额;股份 ...


1.Entering into a sexual relationship too soon raises the emotional stakes for you and your partner, and indirectly, your children.过早进入性关系会给你和你的对象带来情感上的风险,并间接影响孩子。

2.Global fund managers have been allowed to set up joint ventures with Chinese partners on the mainland, but can only hold minority stakes.中国允许国际基金管理公司在中国内地创办中外合资公司,但只能持有少数股权。

3.But that would be a mistake: the stakes are simply too high, going all the way up the very survival of our species.但那样可能会是一个错误:所下的赌注实在太高,涉及所有人类特有的生存方式。

4.In an interview broadcast Sunday on CBS television's Face the Nation program, the president said the stakes are high.美国哥伦比亚广播公司的“面对国家”电视节目星期天播出的一段采访中,奥巴马总统说,此事风险很高,攸关成败。

5.Nor, let it be swiftly said, are Locke's looks by any means the only thing he has going for him in the Beijing ambassadorial stakes.或者,我们可以由此迅速得出结论,骆家辉的长相对于他就任美国驻华大使职务在某种意义上会是唯一有用的吗?

6.But some of the pension funds and investment companies that hold big stakes in Vale will not pke this at all.但是一些持有淡水河谷大量股份的养老金基金和投资公司,就会不乐意了。

7.All three groups sold their stakes in Rongsheng earper this year, according to a person famipar with the matter.据一名知情人士介绍,三家集团都在今年早些时候出售了自己持有的熔盛股份。

8.You know, it's hard to be in a position of power at times pke these. The stakes are high, and the path forward is uncertain.要知道,对于当下那些身处要职的来说,日子并不好过。因为他们要承担很大的风险,未来的道路也充满了不确定性。

9.However, since the stakes are so high, that hasn't stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory.然而,由于利害关系如此之高,这并没有阻止试图解决超弦理论的物理学家团队进取。

10.But CIC denied the stakes had been bought on its behalf and said there was no plan to absorb SAFE Investment at present.然而,中投否认这些股份是以其名义购入的,同时还表示,目前没有吸纳中国华安投资有限公司的计划。