




1.不要打开 If you find this( 如果你发现这封信) DO NOT OPEN( 不要打开) Until our 25th anniversary( 直到我们结婚25周年纪念日) ...

2.不要开 ... 10、 donation pnk( 捐献链接) 12、 DO NOT OPEN不要开) 13、 Don I cpck the pnks( 不要点击这 …

3.切勿打开 Do not use without guards 无防护装置切勿使用 Do not open 切勿打开 Do not close 禁止关闭 ...

4.禁止打开 ... Keep out 禁止入内 Do not open 禁止打开 Do not close 禁止关闭 ...

5.电瓶均写免保养 ... Do not close 禁止关闭 Do not open 禁止开启 Do not move 禁止移动 ...


1.Close the present position regardless of its amount or result. Do not open a new position until the next entry signal has been raised.关闭现在的位置不论其数额或结果。不要打开了一个新阵地,直至下一次进入的信号已经提出的问题。

2.Do not open any files attached to ane-mail unless you know what it is, even if it appears to come from a dear friend or someone you know.即便发件人是你的好朋友或者熟人,但你不知道邮件中附件的作用,也不要打开。

3.Your problem will never change if you do not open yourself up to making friends with the America classmates at your school.如果你仍然不放开自己去与学校的美国同学结交朋友的话,你的问题永远得不到解决。

4.Now the wind to flowers do not open, only a lovesickness.如今风不来花不开,只剩一片相思成灾。

5.If the valves do not open and close at the right time or at all, air cannot get in and exhaust cannot get out, so the engine cannot run.如果阀门不在正确的时间打开或关闭,空气就不能进入,废气也不能排除,引擎就无法工作。

6.do not open the door in a state of start-up trying to microwave ovens.不要在炉门开启状态下试图起动微波炉。

7.I just said the signs said "Do not open, " exclamation point!我刚才说这个标记说的是不要打开,叹号!

8.If you receive mail with a file hooked to it from someone you don't know, then do not open that file.如果你收到来路不明且附带有文件的邮件,那么不要打开那份文件,

9.Remember when the fire spread to the bottom of the window, the windows do not open or shattered.切记当底层的火势蔓延至窗外时,千万不要开启或击碎窗户。

10.To avoid harassment, telephone do not open, when negotiations in the business tell you.为避免搔扰,电话不公开,在业务洽谈时候告诉你。