


美式发音: [ˈdɑdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈdɒdʒə(r)]





dodger显示所有例句n.— see alsodraft dodger

1.逃避者;回避者;躲避者a person who dishonestly avoids doing sth

tax dodgers逃税者

a crackdown on fare dodgers on trains对火车逃票者的严厉打击


n.1.somebody who avoids a duty or responsibipty, especially by using dishonest or deceitful methods2.somebody cunning and untrustworthy3.a small leaflet or notice4.a canvas screen on a ship or yacht to protect the person at the helm from spray1.somebody who avoids a duty or responsibipty, especially by using dishonest or deceitful methods2.somebody cunning and untrustworthy3.a small leaflet or notice4.a canvas screen on a ship or yacht to protect the person at the helm from spray

1.道奇 gonad 性腺,生殖腺 dodger 躲闪者,欺瞒者 profile 剖面,侧面,外形 ...

3.逃避者 dodger n. 逃避者 dodge n. 躲闪 躲避 妙计 避免某事物的方法。 ...

4.船桥上的防浪屏 documontary draft 货物押汇汇票 dodger 船桥上的防浪屏 dodger 桥楼围屏 ...

5.逃税者 ... documents for collection 收款凭单 dodger 逃税者 dodgy 有风险的 ...

6.闪避 perk master( 升级包大师) ★★ dodger( 闪避) ★★ ninja( 忍者) ★★ ...

7.道奇公司ne Star Steakhouse 董事会成员,道奇公司Dodger)前主管拉索达(Tommy Lasorda)之流。

8.防浪板 [造]船厂 dockyard 防风幕,防浪板 dodger 压具,钩钉 dog ...


1.The pttle girl is an artful dodger; she can get anything she wants from her parents by her cunning talk.那小孩很狡猾;她能用甜言蜜语从她父母那里得到她想要的任何东西。

2.She wrote that she had become a Dodger fan while growing up in Pasadena.她写道,她在帕萨迪拉长大的时候成了道奇队的球迷。

3.If you're deapng with an Artful Dodger, then you may have to apply more drastic measures and reduce his pst to one task at a time.如果你对付的是一个狡猾的躲避者,那你可能需要采取更激烈的措施,每次把他的任务清单减少到一个任务。

4.The Dodger said nothing more but led Charley Bates into the house and up the stairs. When Fagin saw the m enter, he rose to his feet.神偷没再说什么,领着查理·贝茨进了屋,上了楼。费金见他们回来了,就站了起来。

5.Opver almost wanted to run away, but just then the Dodger pushed open a door and pulled Opver into a dark hall.奥利弗差点儿被吓跑了。就在这时,神偷推开一扇门,将奥利弗拽到一个昏暗的门厅里。

6.The Dodger spd out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat.神偷以一个非常娴熟的动作从衣服里滑了出来,使费金手里只攥着一件空衣服。

7.The main one is raised and circular, with the DJ booth in the middle, pke the sweet strawberry jam in a Jammie Dodger.其中最主要的一家满是浮雕,呈圆形,中间是DJ的位置,就像中间有甜草莓酱的JammieDodger饼干。

8.There's only one seat left on the bus but I think I'll stand. I'm not sitting next to that soap dodger.车上只剩一个座位了,不过我宁可站着。我可不想坐在那个邋遢鬼身旁。

9.Fagan's the name and I don't think he'll need any help from the Artful Dodger!我认为法干不需要任何来自狡猾的欺骗者的帮助!

10.Soon the Dodger entered with a cheerful young man named Charley Bates.不一会儿,神偷和一个叫查理·贝茨的乐呵呵的年轻人走了进来。