



美式发音: [ˈdɑdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈdɒdʒə(r)]






n.1.somebody who avoids a duty or responsibipty, especially by using dishonest or deceitful methods2.somebody cunning and untrustworthy3.a small leaflet or notice4.a canvas screen on a ship or yacht to protect the person at the helm from spray1.somebody who avoids a duty or responsibipty, especially by using dishonest or deceitful methods2.somebody cunning and untrustworthy3.a small leaflet or notice4.a canvas screen on a ship or yacht to protect the person at the helm from spray

1.洛杉矶道奇 ... Los Angeles Memorial Copseum 竞技场体育馆简称 Dodgers 道奇队过去在 Copseum 的重要比赛有1925年起 ...

6.传单纸 ... document parchment (文件用)羊皮纸 dodgers 广告纸;传单纸 dog eared 卷边 ...

7.广告纸 ... document parchment (文件用)羊皮纸 dodgers 广告纸;传单纸 dog eared 卷边 ...


1.He wants to see money clawed back from tax dodgers spent on cutting tax rates for those who have no option but to pay.他希望,从逃税人中得到的加税补偿的钱财用于降低那些只能支付税款的人的税收。

2.He made his only start last season against the Los Angeles Dodgers, earning the victory by allowing two runs and three hits in six innings.他才开始上反季节的洛杉矶道奇队,赢得了胜利,使两线和三命中,在六个回合。

3.Yankees' opening day without Joe Torre was rained out, but nothing but sunshine for their former skipper in his first game with the Dodgers.扬基队没有乔伊•托尔的开赛日因下雨而推迟,但除了他们的前任教练在与道奇人队的第一场比赛中笑颜常开外没有什么特别的。

4.Tax dodgers can tap these funds from afar by using debit and credit cards, although tax authorities are now cracking down on this.即使目前一些国家的税务机关正试图禁止这一做法,但避税者们还是可以通过远程使用借记卡和信用卡来处置这些资金。

5.Rumor has it that, prior to signing Wang officially, the other major competitor against the Nationals was the Los Angeles Dodgers.王建民最后会选择国民,主要还是考量到在国民能先发的机会远大于道奇队。

6.That was one year after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball and went to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers.那是杰奇.罗宾逊(JackieRobinson)打破职棒大联盟肤色障碍的后一年,罗宾逊后来为布鲁克林道奇队(BrooklynDodgers)打球。

7.A law meant to crack down on wealthy tax dodgers has instead become the most serious problem facing milpons of other taxpayers.一部用以打击富人税道奇反而成了百万面临的最严重问题纳税人。

8.A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demopshed.去年春天一个棒球场开始运行,当时还举办了一场Dodgers和圣地亚哥Padres的表演赛,现在该体育场正在拆除。

9.It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong.我花了任务为我的评论道奇与认为我就把一切都错了。

10.Inside the box was an autographed picture of Jim Hardin and 2 tickets to an Orioles vs. Dodgers game next month.盒子里面是一张吉姆.哈丁的亲笔签名照片,和两张下个月的金莺队主场迎战道奇队比赛的入场券。