


美式发音: ['mæstəˌdɒn] 英式发音: ['mæstədɒn]






n.1.a large extinct mammal that resembled an elephant, with shaggy hair and two sets of tusks.

1.乳齿象 smell n. 气味, 臭味, 嗅觉v.嗅, 闻到, 散发 mastodon n. [古生]乳齿象, 庞然大物 carpet n. 地毯 ...

4.柱牙象 ... (Avatar) 人形机甲残骸 (Mastodon) 乳齿象残骸 (Aftershock) 冲击战车残骸 ...



1.other women over head with a club, while she sits home trying to get the mastodon smell out of carpet.他在外面乱搞女人,她却呆在家里设法去除地摊上乳齿象的味道。

2.barnum called one of these animals , " the last mastodon on earth " . the animal was really an elephant called jumbo.伯纽姆把其中一种动物叫做“地球上最后一头乳齿象”。其实那是一头名叫“大家伙”的大象。

3.The mammoths should not be confused with the American mastodon (Mammut americanum), another ancient elephant from North and Central America.猛犸应该不会与生活在北美洲和中美洲的另一种古象——美洲乳齿象相混淆(Mammutamericanum)。

4.The rib containing the spear point was part of a collection of mastodon remains unearthed in the late 1970s.这一含有长矛尖的肋骨来自一批20世纪70年代后期采集出来的乳齿象遗骸。

5.ROLL OVER different parts of Manny to learn more about this moody mastodon.辊超过曼尼各地,以了解更多这喜怒无常乳齿象。

6.He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet.他在外头乱搞女人而她却待家里设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道

7.The researchers also made what they say are the first sequences of nuclear DNA from the extinct American mastodon.据研究者说,他们还首次完成了已灭绝的美洲乳齿象细胞核DNA序列的测定。

8.Perhaps without the megaherbivores pke the mastodon of old or even the bison of yesteryear, the prairie won't come back.也许没有大型食草动物,如古时候的乳齿象乃至过去的野牛,大草原是不会回来的。

9.Scientists have now accurately carbon-dated the sharp tip that itself carved from mastodon bone.如今,利用放射性碳素测定年代法,科学家已确定这一用乳齿象牙雕刻而成的长矛尖端的精确年代。

10.The ancestors of American Indians probably knew the mastodon.美洲印第安人的祖先大概知道乳齿象。