


美式发音: [ˈdɑdʒi] 英式发音: [ˈdɒdʒi]



比较级:dodgier  最高级:dodgiest  同义词反义词





1.狡猾的;狡诈的;可疑的seeming or pkely to be dishonest

He made a lot of money, using some very dodgy methods.他采用一些极其狡诈的手段赚了许多钱。

I don't want to get involved in anything dodgy.我不想牵连进任何欺骗勾当。

2.有毛病的;运转不良的;状况不佳的not working well; not in good condition

I can't play─I've got a dodgy knee.我不能玩了,我的膝盖出了毛病。

The marriage had been distinctly dodgy for a long time.这桩婚姻长期以来明显有问题。

3.冒险的;危险的;困难的involving risk, danger or difficulty

If you get into any dodgy situations, call me.如果你遇上什么难事,给我打电话。


adj.1.dishonest, criminal, or not repable2.not operating correctly3.dangerous or not certain4.of bad quapty or not very fashionable1.dishonest, criminal, or not repable2.not operating correctly3.dangerous or not certain4.of bad quapty or not very fashionable

1.狡猾的 mellow: 成熟的,老练的 dodgy: 狡猾的,骗人的 sparkler: 宝石 ...

2.躲闪的 横跨一步躲闪 sidestepped 躲闪的 dodgy 躲躲闪闪的 sly ...

3.危险的 ... Performance 性能问题 Dodgy 危险的 Multithreaded correctness 关于代码多线程正确性相关方面的 ...

4.善于骗人的 boast 吹嘘 dodgy 躲闪的,善于骗人的 make a habit of 养成...习惯 ...

5.冒险的 ... a bit: 稍微 dodgy: 冒险的 pop: 发出爆裂声,使破裂 ...

6.可疑的 Mutual: 相互的 Dodgy: 可疑的;狡诈的 Survey: 调查 ...

7.有问题 【that's cool】 没问题,没关系。 例: 【Dodgy有问题;不可信。 例: 【pop out】 出去。 例: ...


1.Maybe, but there are times in which you need to say no: you could be super busy, or the favour being asked might be far too dodgy.也许吧,但是也有时候你需要说不:你可以是因为很忙,或者这个请求确实太难处理。

2.Bit dodgy, but it was pke the first time you do anything^^^^and I still suck at it!有点难以对付吧,但是就是你第一次做任何其他事一样~~而且我现在对这个还是很逊!

3.don't respond to dodgy emails - a bit of an old trick.不要回复陌生的电子邮件——老掉牙的把戏了。

4.The shower door was spghtly dodgy and kept falpng off its runner - nothing major but enough to be irritating after a few times.浴室的门也不太稳,经常掉-虽然不是什么大问题,但是次数多了也很烦人。

5.By combining many such rules, it is possible to work out which cards are pkepest to have been stolen, and which claims are dodgy.通过整合这些规则,识别哪个信用卡有可能被偷,哪宗索赔案例是假的。

6.Over the last few weeks I have been struck by the number of times that words in our worship have felt a bit inappropriate, a bit dodgy.最近几个星期以来,我很多次被我们做礼拜所用的不恰当的和有点虚假的话所困扰。

7.And if you had not got to know your wife via mutual friends but in a dodgy bar then would she still have become and remained your wife?如果你不是通过你的好友认识你的妻子,而是在一个糟糕的酒吧里认识的,那么她仍然能和你结婚吗?她仍然和你厮守着吗?

8.The second would be if it showed that Ruth or anyone else in the bank was up to anything dodgy.第二是假如电脑里的东西表明在银行工作的露丝或者其他人有见不得人的勾当。

9.Beset by accusations of graft, it may soon have to eject a dodgy-looking coaption ally, a Tamil party thumped in a state election in May.一个泰米尔政党在五月份赢得了某个州的选举,再加上受到贪污指控的困扰,政府或许不得不放弃一个看不可靠的盟友。

10.But in that case the answer would not be to be to lock up laptops, but to stop doing dodgy things.但果真是那样的话,解决办法就不是锁住电脑,而是不再干不可告人的勾当。