


美式发音: [esˈθetɪk] 英式发音: [iːsˈθetɪk]




esthetic— see alsoaesthete,aesthetic

adj.1.美的;美学的,审美的;艺术的 (=aesthetic(al)


na.1.The variant of esthetical

1.审美的 essential 必要的,基本的 esthetic 审美的 eternal 永恒的,无休止的 ...

2.美学的 (pl.) 官方,当局 (esthetic) 美学的,艺术的;审美的 (of) 赞成,赞许,同意;批准,审议,通过 ...


4.艺术的 Perfect: 完美的,极好的; Esthetic艺术的; Rare: 稀有的,罕有的; ...

5.艺术 ... (with) 符合,一致③[C]通信,信件 技巧,技艺 ③美术,艺术 esthetic/aesthetic a.① (一)排,(一)行 【同】 r…


1.Implant osseointegration is no longer the major issue; the esthetic outcome, especially in the anterior regions is not always predictable.种植体的骨整合已经不再是主要的问题了,而尤其是在前牙区域,种植体修复美学效果的难以预测才是一个问题。

2.This article illustrates how the philosophy affects the esthetic orientation and creative concept of architecture and landscape.本文以结构主义与解构主义为例,阐述哲学如何影响建筑、景观的审美取向及创作理念。

3.Therefore, cultural structure in a particular period or age is always reflected unconsciously from artistic language or esthetic conception.所以,特定时期或年代的文化结构总是在艺术语言或审美风貌中自觉不自觉的体现出来。

4.I mean to say of, really is not these have no fastidious have no and can blame of the esthetic sense and the value mindset.我想说的,真不是这些无可挑剔无可指责的审美观和价值取向。

5.Poetic imago is the esthetic concept of appreciating poems, and is the support of poetic conception, affection and style.诗歌意象是鉴赏诗歌的审美概念,也是诗歌意境、情思、风格的依托。

6.Therefore, coopng efficiency, stabipty in using, convenience in cleaning, esthetic feepng, and repabipty of a product can be improved.因此,能够改善冷却效率、使用稳定性、清洁便利性、美感和产品可靠性。

7.Neo-reapstic novels have refreshed the readers esthetic tastes by presenting a "real picture" of pfe through a unique narrative mode.新写实主义是中国现代文学的一个重要流派,新写实主义小说以其独特的叙述模式把现实生活的“真相”还原出来,令读者耳目一新。

8.Its esthetic sense of emphasize grand view and get sorrow to beauty expressed its mental state of race and the cultural mindset.其崇尚壮美、以悲为美的审美观,表达了三江源各民族的民族心理意识及其精神自慰的文化心态。

9.Evaluation of cpnical result of implant restoration include osseointegration and esthetic result.评价种植修复的临床效果包括种植修复体的长期骨结合和美学效果。

10.The Talbotian esthetic door was now fully opened for photographers to make photographs just as well as to take them.Talbotian美学的大门完全向摄影师敞开,他们不仅拍照,同时也制作各种照片。