


美式发音: [ˈdoʊdoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊdəʊ]



复数:dodos  复数:dodoes  



1.渡渡鸟(不能飞行,现已灭绝)a large bird that could not fly and that is now extinct (= no longer exists)

2.笨人;蠢人a stupid person


n.1.a large bird that does not exist any more and could not fly2.a stupid person

1.多多 欧树 NUXE 多多 dodo 丽奥丽 Lioele ...

2.渡渡鸟 莱尔( Lyle Lion) 嘟嘟Dodo) 尤金( Eugene) ...


6.曹颖 Deoproce/ 韩国三星 DoDo/ 韩国嘟嘟 Laneige/ 韩国兰芝 ...

8.古代巨鸟 melancholy 忧郁的 dodo 古代巨鸟 solemnly 庄严地 ...


1.There was no complete skeleton for a long time. Then in a cave, scientists found a complete skeleton of a dodo bird.长期以来人们并没找到完整的骨骼,后来在洞穴里,科学家们找到了一具完整的骨骼。

2.But the best of Dodo was that she did not keep angry for long together.但多多的好处是,要不了多久,她的气就消了。

3.its long, crooked and hooked beak was one of the most distinguishing features of the dodo.它们长长的,弯曲的,钩状的嘴巴是多多鸟最具区别性的特征之一。

4.Four birds-a duck, a dodo, a parrot and a small eagle were swimming close to her.四只鸟-一只鸭子,一个古代巨鸟,一只鹦鹉和一只小的鹰正在她的附近游泳。

5.And, as you might pke to try the thing yourself, some winter day, I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.由于妳在冬天也许会想起来玩这种游戏,所以我占这里告诉妳渡渡鸟是怎么做的。

6.I think dodo should get praising here. it's quite uncommon that she has stood there for an hour with me. thank you, thank you my girl.在这里对dodo童鞋提出口头表扬,竟然毫不顾忌脸面在那陪我站了一个小时,很难得,真的很难得。

7.Organized by the Dodo, it had no logical rules.合家欢赛跑由渡渡鸟(Dodo)负责组织,没有任何合理的规章。

8.None of the other birds or animals said anything, but the Dodo was waiting for a question, so Apce asked, "What is a Caucus race? "别的鸟儿或走兽谁都没吭声儿,不过渡渡鸟还等着提问题呢,因此爱丽丝问:“什么是考克斯赛跑?”

9.'Why, ' said the Dodo, 'the best way to explain it is to do it. '渡渡鸟说:“对,为了说明它,最好的办法就是咱们亲自做一做。”

10.Right, Didn't the USSR said the same thing just before they went the way of the dodo.是,在苏联走上渡渡鸟那条路之前,不也说过同样的话。