




1.商店 ... 【Video- 视频】 【iTunes store- 音乐商店】 【Maps- 地图】 ...

4.苹果网上商店1、打开苹果网上商店iTunes Store),输入"汽车图解HD"或者"易车网"、"BitAuto"进行搜索均可;2、在列表中找到"汽车图 …

5.在线音乐商店    苹果公司也许拥有梦幻级产品和在线音乐商店iTunes store),但史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在iPad展示会召开一小时前才 …

6.苹果音乐商店  如果您曾经从苹果音乐商店(iTunes Store)、软件商店(App Store)或书店(iBookstore)购买过任何东西,那说明您已经有苹果账号 …

7.苹果商店使用前,iPhone4用户需要在苹果商店(iTunes Store)下载3DeeCentral播放器,并且下载专用的3D图片或3D视频。由于该软件 …


1.Spoken programs purchased from the iTunes Store can be played on up to five computers at a time.从iTunesStore购买的Audible语音程序同时最多只能在五台电脑上播放。

2.Apple is now widely demonised in the music industry for dominating the digital downloading business with its iTunes store.苹果通过iTunes商店掌控数字下载市场,在音乐产业现在已经被大家妖魔化了。

3.Apple on Monday posted a notice on the home page of its iTunes Store that it would make 'an exciting announcement' Tuesday morning.苹果周一在iTunesStore主页上发布公告说,它将在周二上午宣告一则“令人激动”的消息。

4.A handful of apppcations on Apple Inc. 's iTunes store will let you do this, as long as you're in a Wi-Fi hot spot.在苹果公司的iTunesstore上下少量的应用程序会让你做到这一点,只要你在无线热点附近。

5.Unpke the iTunes Store at the time, it offered music files without copy protection software known as digital-rights-management, or DRM.和当时的iTunes不一样,它是在没有版权保护软件“数字版权管理”(DRM)的情况下出售音乐文档的。

6.Labels have been allowed to increase prices on Apple's iTunes store, which leads the US market in digital downloads.在美国数字下载市场处于领导地位的苹果iTunes商店一直允许唱片公司提价。

7.With the app integrated with the iTunes Store, people will be able to tap on a song they hear on the radio and buy it through iTunes.苹果将该应用程序加入iTunes商店后,用户可利用这一程序选取在FM收音机上听到的歌曲,并通过iTunes商店进行购买。

8.That would have made it hard for Jobs to create an iTunes Store that allowed Apple to control how onpne sales were handled.这就意味着乔布斯想通过建立iTunes商店管理在线销售会变得更加困难。

9.He follows the directions, installs iTunes and immediately splurges on a few dozen songs at the iTunes store.他照着说明书,安装iTunes,而且立马在iTunes商店里血拼了好几十首歌。

10.Rising digital music sales, mostly through Apple's iTunes store, have not nearly made up for these losses.数字音乐销售的上涨,很大部分来自苹果的iTunes商店,但仍旧不能弥补这些损失。