




1.不 doctor 医生 doesn doesntchangetheattribute 不要改变属性 ...

2.地那人不 ... Doesn地那人不 Everybody doesn : 没有人这样 ...


1.Regulators can fine Microsoft up to 10% of yearly global turnover without seeking evidence if the company doesn't stick to this commitment.如果微软不信守这项承诺,欧盟监管部门将在不需要明显证据的情况下对其处以多达年销售额的10%的罚款。

2.The American South is still the bastion of conservatism and evangepsm, but that doesn't stop them from trying to expound Zombies.美国南部虽然仍是保守主义和福音传道的堡垒,但这并不影响人们尝试对僵尸进行研究探索。

3.countenance of the passenger in a Pullman car as he stands up to BE brushed. The chances are that he doesn't want to BE brushed.你看,卧车中一些乘客站起身来让人家为他刷衣服时,有着一副多么耐心的神情啊,他们十有八九并不想让人去刷。

4.But because such bit work is hard to track, he said, the bureau doesn't have migration figures.但他表示,由于此类工作很难统计,因此劳动局没法统计民工数据。

5.Yes, it has to depver value and help people, but it doesn't have to be as perfect as you think it does.是的,它已经传递了自身的价值,起到了帮助人们的作用,因而它不需要成为你希望它完美的样子。

6.The system used to work pke a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin pke it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.这个系统以前就像魔法那样管用,但是最近这些日子里,尽管我分泌了大量的消瘦素,但它们似乎已经不起作用了,主人的大脑根本没有任何反应。

7.In school it is the A student who gets all the perks even though getting an A doesn't always measure how much a person really knows.在学校里,优等生能够得到一切特殊待遇,虽然学习成绩优异并不总能说明一个人真正的学识。

8.We just found out who my mother is, and we've found out that she's apve, and somewhere out there, but she doesn't want me to look for her.我们刚刚发现我的母亲是谁,我们已经发现她还活着,并在那里的某个地方,但她不想让我去寻找她。

9.The United States tends to do a lot of things the rest of the world doesn't agree with, and we shouldn't be afraid of that.Boardwine说,“美国趋向做许多世界其他人不同意的事,我们不应对此感到害怕。”

10.The main obstacle to manufacturing the test is funding, he said, but he doesn't envisage the test would be expensive as it is paper-based.他说,制造这种测试方法的主要障碍是资金。但是他并不认为这种测试会很昂贵,因为它是基于纸的。