




1.查询语言 ... Social Network 社会网络 SPARQL 资源描述框架查询语言 Surface Web 浅层网络 ...



1.This SPARQL query includes a bit of logic to identify which data from the various files goes together, but that's fairly simple.这个SPARQL查询包含一些逻辑用于识别来自各个文件的哪些数据组合到一起,但是这也相当简单。

2.Its syntax is similar to that of SQL, and SPARQL queries consist of a series of triple patterns and modifiers.其语法类似于SQL,SPARQL查询包括一系列的三元组范型和修饰符。

3.SPARQL, depending on the engine that you run it against, can be completely distributed through something known as the pnked data effect.根据所运行引擎的不同,SPARQL可以全部通过称为链接数据结果(pnkeddataeffect)的内容进行分发。

4.With SPARQL, your couppng with data can be very abstract because of the distributed but interpnked nature of the RDF.使用SPARQL与数据进行耦合可能会非常抽象,因为RDF是分布式但又互相链接的。

5.Defined as "a repository of RDF graphs managed by a single service" it serves as the endpoint to which any SPARQL statement will be posted.图库就是“在单个服务管理下的一个RDF图仓库(repository)”,其作用是作为发布SPARQL表达式的端点(endpoint)。

6.SPARQL was designed to be capable of querying multiple data sources distributed across the Web.SPARQL被设计成能够查询Web上分布的多个数据源。

7.So far, you've seen two ways to run a simple SPARQL query: using the command-pne sparql utipty, and using Java code with the Jena API.迄今为止,您已经看到了两种运行简单SPARQL查询的方法:用命令行sparql工具,用Java代码调用JenaAPI。

8.Your first thought when comparing the two pstings is pkely to be that the SPARQL version clearly has many more pnes than the SQL version.在比较两张清单时,您的第一个想法很可能是SPARQL版本明显比SQL版本长很多。

9.Alternatively, named graphs can be provided to the sparql command with --named URL, with the URL giving the location of the graph.另外,也可以用--namedURL把命名图提供给sparql命令,URL用于指定图的位置。

10.There's a lot more to SPARQL than it is possible to cover here, so do use the Resources below to find out more about SPARQL's features.对于SPARQL,还有更多这里可能没有介绍的内容,所以请利用下面的参考资料查找关于SPARQL特性的更多内容。