


美式发音: [doʊ] 英式发音: [dəʊ]


n.大调音阶的第 1 音和第 8 音

网络释义:卫生署(Department of Health);多哈(Doha);Dojo Objective Harness




1.唉,哦(用以表示自己言行失当)used when you have just said or done sth that you know is stupid

D'oh! That was the biggest mistake ever.唉!那是我犯过的最大错误。

n.1.a syllable that represents the first note in a scale when singing solfeggio.2.the first or eighth note in the sol-fa musical scale

1.卫生署(Department of Health) disappointment / 失望 / doh / doom / 末日 ...

7.卫生署评估l        此产品是否已经过香港卫生署评估(DOH)?是,本产品已经过香港卫生署评估。

例句释义:,,大调音阶的第 1 音和第 8 音

1.Every test framework needs to supply you with a method to check the outcome of a unit test and the DOH is no exception.每个测试框架都要为开发人员提供检查单元测试结果的方法,DOH也不例外。

2.In the case of demo. doh, it is a module that has a file containing helper functions and a simple DemoWidget.在demo.doh的示例中,测试的对象是一个模块,它包含帮助函数和一个简单DemoWidget。

3.The DOH also reports the total number of tests run, errors that occurred, and tests that failed.DOH还会报告测试运行、已发生的错误以及失败测试的总数。

4.You know I said -- I went to Play-Doh, and said, look, I can animate this.你们知道的——我去了培乐多,然后说,看,我能把这做成活动的。

5.It would be great if the DOH provided a mechanism that could still run this HTML file and still display the UI.要是DOH能提供一个既能运行HTML文件又能显示UI的机制就好了。

6.So, enter the DOH and its facipty for handpng widget testing in browsers as well as synchronous function testing.因此,需要借助DOH来处理浏览器内的小部件测试及异步函数测试。

7.In other words, the only way the DOH knows an async test passed or failed is if an operation is invoked on the Deferred.换句话说,DOH得知异步测试是通过还是失败的惟一途径就是:操作是否在延迟操作上被调用了。

8.That's great, but it doesn't display the DOH's UI, so it's difficult to tell if tests pass or not.这很棒,但它没有显示DOH的UI,因此,很难断定测试是通过了还是没通过。

9."There's a tremendous difference between learning doh-re-mi and being able to arrange a song. "“学习哆来咪和能够谱写一首歌之间有着巨大差别。”

10.Testing the behavior of Ajax requests is one of the most valuable features of the DOH.测试Ajax请求的行为是DOH最有价值的特点之一。