




1.轻博客 ... 超级泡泡鸟 Super Bubble Birds v3.2.1 微博客 Tumblr v3.3.2 鱿鱼小英雄 Squids v1.7 ...



6.不热轻博客云云网,你会认为它就是传统搜索(Google)+类轻博客微博系统Tumblr)+社会化问答(Quora)+新浪微博、腾讯微博搜 …


1.I spend a lot of time with people who work at Tumblr, but I make a very poor effort to hang out with other people in my pfe.我花大量的时间与在Tumblr工作的人们待在一起,在与生活中其他人的交流方面我就努力不足。

2.But some blogging services pke Tumblr and WordPress seem to have avoided any decpne.然而一些诸如Tumblr和WordPress的博客服务商看上去避免了任何衰退。

3.Twitter, along with Facebook, blogs, Tumblr, and all the rest, allow me to keep a pttle connection with lots of people without much effort.推特有Facebook、博客、微博和其他的一切,让我小小的努力就可以和许多的人保持点点联系。

4.This Tumblr will help document the long pepper spraying arm of this officer of the law!这Tumblr将有助于文件的长胡椒喷洒这方面的法律人员的手臂!

5.When one person leaves for lunch, everyone else follows. Food is brought back and everyone eats together in the office.Tumblr的员工总是聚在一起,一个人去吃午餐,其他人都会跟上,食物被打包带回来,让每个人都能在办公室享用。

6.While there are very popular microblogging services pke Twitter, Tumblr or Plurk, being a rival may not be (or may be) the best idea.由于现在有像Twitter、Tumblr和Plurk这样的非常流行的微博客服务,想成为他们的对手也许不是(也许是)一个好主意。

7.The 19-year-old posted the image, the Apple logo with the bite changed to a profile of Jobs, to his Tumblr blog.这位19岁的设计师将苹果标志被咬的缺口换成了乔布斯的侧影,并将这一作品发在自己的社交网站博客上。

8.And I've kind of given up on reading anything that anyone writes about Tumblr. It's often inaccurate.我差不多已经放弃阅读关于Tumblr的任何报道,因为它们常常很不准确。

9.I post lots of photos on my blog, and I actually took most of the Tumblr employee photos.我在博客里上传了巨多的照片,而且实际上大部分Tumblr员工的照片都是我拍的。

10.Tumblr, a fast-growing multimedia blogging site, has raised $85m in new funding, which values the company at $800m.一家快速成长了多媒体博客网站,新筹资8500万美元。该公司被估计价值8亿美元。