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网络释义:婚姻保护法(Defense of Marriage Act);婚姻保护法案;婚姻法



1.婚姻保护法(Defense of Marriage Act)严格的标准,因此奥巴马总统认为禁止同性婚姻的联邦《维护婚姻法案》(DOMA)第三章与宪法精神不符,并命令司法部今 …

7.婚姻保护法令图发生了显著的变化,大多数美国地区都已采纳了“联邦婚姻保护法令DOMA)”,同性婚姻在联邦和州两个法律层面上都是 …


1.Repeapng DOMA, however, will require a presidential push or an unusual amount of energy from congressional Democrats.然而,废除《婚姻保护法》需要总统的提案或者来自国会民主主义者非同寻常的巨大努力。

2.But he just, we just had a very beautiful fraternal meal at the Doma Santa Mata where we've been staying.但他只是,我们在多玛圣马塔只是一起像兄弟般吃了一顿非常美妙的饭。

3.Several lower courts have ruled DOMA itself to be unconstitutional.几个下级法院的裁决多马本身是违反宪法的。

4.But a lawsuit over DOMA has put Mr Obama in a bind.但是,一场针对《捍卫婚姻法案》的诉讼让奥巴马进退两难。

5.DOMA is a perfect place to start the day: good coffee, yummy bagels and really good French Toast. . .杜玛咖啡馆是开始一天的完美地点:高档的咖啡,美味的百吉饼和很好的法式烤吐司…

6.Instead, it stuck to one basic argument, namely that the Constitution allowed Congress to enact DOMA in order to maintain the status quo.取而代之的是,它秉承着一个基本论点,即为了安定团结,为了维持现状,联邦宪法允许议会通过《婚姻保护法》。

7.But DOMA is anyway not the deterrent it once seemed.但是无论如何DOMA不再是像以往那样的威慑物。

8.But in nineteen ninety-six Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA.但在一九九六年国会通过的婚姻法案,或多马辩护。

9.He promised anew to repeal DOMA and "don't ask, don't tell" .他再次承诺废除婚姻保护法和“不说,不问”政策。

10.In 1996, the time of DOMA, the majority leant 68% to 27% the other way.1996年是DOMA的时代,68%的多数派向27%的少数派倾斜。