


美式发音: ['si'es'ef] 英式发音: ['si:'es'ef]


网络释义:脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid);集落刺激因子(colony stimulating factor);猪瘟(Classical swine fever)



abbr.1.cerebrospinal fluid

1.脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid)脑脊液CSf):是存在于脑室及蛛网膜下腔内的一种无色透明液体,循环流动于脑和脊髓表面,主要由脑室系统脉络丛超滤 …

2.集落刺激因子(colony stimulating factor)人集落刺激因子(CSF)ELISA试剂盒特价热销,南京ELISA试剂盒厂家人可溶性CD30配体(sCD30L)ELISA试剂盒 河北化工厂订购 …


4.猪瘟(Classical swine fever)猪瘟CSF)是国际动物卫生组织(OIE)和中国的A类法定传染病之一,虽纳入中国重大动物疫病的强制性免疫体系,但仍是 …

5.关键成功因素法(Critical Success Factors)主要有关键成功因素法CSF)、战略目标集转化法(SST)和企业系统规划法(BSP)。其他还有企业信息分析与集成技术(…

6.脑脊液常规检查脑脊液常规检查(csf)含外观、蛋白定性、细胞总数和分类   次 6   250104004 精液常规检查 含外观、量、液化程度、精子存活率、 …


1.Early recognition and immediate treatment with CSF drainage appeared to be the only intervention that had improved patients' survival.早期识别错误并及时实施脑脊液脑室腰椎脑脊液灌注引流术可以提高患者的生存概率。

2.Conclusion Under the new standard, the cataract surgery can recover the CSF, but still lower to that of the age-matched people.结论新测试标准下,超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入可恢复患者的CSF,但尚未达到同龄人正常水平。

3.Conclusion: The response rate of CSF leak seems to have a relationship with the position and duration of fracture .结论:颅底骨折部位及脑脊液漏发生时间决定了治疗方案的选择,并与疗效直接相关。

4.Addition of GM-CSF did not impair tolerance to rituximab, and adverse events were rare and mild.添加GM-CSF不减弱美罗华的耐受性,不良反应很少,并且很轻。

5.Conclusion: It suggests that cancer cells found in CSF is the only diagnosis evidence of meningeal carcinomatosis during pfetime.结论:脑脊液细胞学检查发现癌细胞是脑膜癌病唯一生前确诊的依据。

6.As an adjuvant therapy, at each vaccination cycle, patients will also receive four daily injections of an immune stimulating agent, GM-CSF.作为辅助治疗,在每个接种周期,病人也将获得四个免疫刺激剂,GM-CSF的每日注射。

7.The role of CSF during the injury event and its effect on the spinal cord deformation and neurologic injury is not well understood.脑脊液在损伤过程中的作用及其对脊髓变形和神经系统的损伤的影响还不甚明了。

8.Complete en bloc resection of ependymomas is usually preferred to prevent local recurrence or dissemination via the CSF.为防止肿瘤复发或通过脑脊液播散,室管膜瘤的治疗最好是彻底地整体切除。

9.Under the previous GOP majority, there was virtually no oversight of CSF payments to any country.根据以往共和党占大多数,有几乎没有任何监督的脑脊液中支付任何国家。

10.Traumatic hydrocephalus may be attributed with stress response, disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and malabsorption of CSF.外伤性脑积水可能与应激性反应,脑脊液循环通路或吸收障碍有关。