




1.柯里昂「教父」(The Godfather)中黑手党大老柯里昂(Don Corleone)的女性版。

2.柯里昂阁下 ... Don Corleone. 柯里昂阁下 that you have invited me to your daughter's wedding. 深感荣幸与感激 ...

3.于考利昂老头子把这种场景当做是中国版《教父》中的一幕,然而,相对于考利昂老头子Don Corleone)来说,郭先生更像是中国的瑞奇• …

4.莱奥内》(The Godfather)中主角黑手党老大科莱奥内Don Corleone)的女性版,并贪恋权力,打造独裁专制政权,以及摧毁欧 …

5.莱奥内先生这个坐落在山顶上的小镇曾经因为美国电影“教父”而声名远扬,片中两代教父均被手下称为科莱奥内先生DON CORLEONE) …

6.柯里昂先生柯里昂先生Don Corleone) 作出冠军的神奇种公,也是“奥林匹克号”的直子


1.When the baker had finished, Don Corleone smiled at him and said, "My dear friend, put all your worries aside. "当面包师结束的时候,唐·科里昂对着他笑了笑说,“我亲爱的朋友,把你所有的烦恼都丢在一边吧。”

2.Don Corleone, as if against his will, made a gesture of sympathy and Bonasera went on, his voice human with suffering.堂-科利昂,似乎违心地,做了一个同情的手势,然后勃纳瑟拉继续着,他的声音是带着痛苦的人性的。

3.Barzini: We're grateful to Don Corleone for calpng this meeting. We all know him as a man of his word, a modest man who pstens to reason.我们都很感谢柯里昂阁下召开这次会议。我们都了解他是个有信用的人,他为人谦虚,总是能讲道理。

4.His name was Anthony Coppola and he was the son of a man Don Corleone had worked with in the railroad yards in his youth.他的名字是安东尼·考坡拉,他的父亲是一个唐·科里昂年轻时曾经在铁路上一起共事的人。

5.Don Corleone said simply. "These are troubles I can't help you with. " He paused, then asked, "What's the matter with your voice? "科里昂简单地说,“这些困难我没有办法帮你。”他停顿了一下,然后问道,“你声音怎么了?”

6.Don Corleone put the intruders out of his mind and led his two sons to the wedding feast.堂-科利昂把闯入者抛出脑外,领着他的两个儿子来到婚宴。

7.Don Corleone explained that this would cost money, the going price was now two thousand dollars.唐·科里昂解释说这会花一点钱,眼下的价格是两千美元。

8.Don Corleone turned his back. It was a dismissal. Bonasera did not budge.唐·科里昂转过身去。这是一个不同意的表示。但是伯纳塞拉没有让步。

9.His career revived, however, with perhaps his most famous role, that of Don Corleone in The Godfather.然而,在扮演了《教父》中唐·科莱奥内之后,他的事业再现辉煌,这个角色可能是他最出名的一个了。

10.Don Corleone had no desire, no intention, of letting his youngest son be killed in the service of a power foreign to himself.堂-科利昂没有渴望,没有意图让他最小的儿子在为与他自己无关的军队服役中被杀掉。