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un.1.city and port in northeastern Libya, on the Mediterranean Sea. British forces were besieged there during World War II.

1.托布鲁克 《抢滩总攻击》《 Beach Red》 《浴血狂沙》《 Tobruk》 《娃娃谷》《 Valley of the Dolls …

5.托卜鲁格 BENGHAZI 班加西 TOBRUK 托卜鲁格 TRIPOLI 的黎波里 ...

6.多布鲁克 的黎波里 Tripop 多布鲁克 Tobruk 古达米斯 Ghadames ...


1.If the enemy broke through to Agedabia , Benghazi and everything west of Tobruk were imperilled .如果敌人突破阿杰达比亚,那么班加西以及托卜鲁克以西的一切据点便都岌岌可危了。

2.Vitol, in co-operation with Qatar Petroleum, has shipped at least 11 cargoes of fuel to the rebels, landing it at Tobruk.与卡塔尔石油公司合作的瑞士公司vitol船只在托布鲁克(Tobruk)港口泊靠,他们至少为反对派运送了11批燃料货物。

3.It was judged by both sides to be the key to the whole battle area and the essential step to the repef of Tobruk.双方都断定这是整个交战地区的关键所在,也是解救托卜鲁克之围的重要阶梯。

4.Protesters chant anti-government slogans on top of the burnt building of the City Council in the main square of Tobruk.在托布鲁克主要广场被烧毁的市议会大楼顶上,示威者高唱反政府口号。

5.Volunteers from Tobruk bring food, water and fuel to the refugees, who cook on campfires or share small power generators.Tobruk的志愿者带着食物、水、燃料来到难民这里生起篝火煮饭,或共用小型的发电机。

6.Here, suspected mercenaries are detained at a rebel checkpoint on the road between Benghazi and Tobruk.这张图上,被怀疑为雇佣军的人被扣在班加西至图卜鲁格公路的一个反对派检查站。

7.In one attack, a loyapst convoy hit a pumping station pnking one of the country's best fields, at Mislah, to the port at Tobruk.再一次进攻中,一个政府军的警卫击中了一个泵站,该泵站连接了全国最大的油田所在地米萨拉和位于托卜鲁克的港口。

8."The big problem is foreign bombing, not Qaddafi, " says Nasr Abu Bakr, a technician at a power plant in Tobruk.托布鲁克一家发电站的工程师纳斯尔•阿布•克尔(NasrAbuBakr)说:“最大的问题是外国的轰炸,而不是卡达菲。”

9.Good news now arrived from Tobruk, where the audacious and persistent enemy met their first definite rebuff.这时,从托卜鲁克传来了好消息,大胆顽强的敌人初次遭到了明显的挫折。

10.Fighting inside of Tobruk. The rebels have entered some areas. but People of Tobruk Green resistance are fighting the NTC in big clashes.图卜鲁格正在交战,否决派进入部分地区,图卜鲁格平易近众和绿色抵抗力量与NTC否决派在冲突中交战。