


美式发音: [ˈdoʊnər] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊnə(r)]



复数:donors  同义词




1.捐赠者;捐赠机构a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity, etc.

international aid donors(= countries which give money, etc. to help other countries)国际援助国

She is one of the charity's main donors.她是这一慈善机构的主要捐赠者之一。

2.献血者;器官捐献者a person who gives blood or a part of his or her body to be used by doctors in medical treatment

a blood donor献血者

The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found.一找到合适的捐献者即可进行心脏移植手术。

donor organs捐献的器官

a donor card(= a card that you carry giving permission for doctors to use parts of your body after your death)器官捐献卡(持有者同意死后将器官捐献)


n.1.someone who gives blood, sperm, eggs, or a part of their body to be used in the medical treatment of someone else; used about a body part that a donor has given2.someone who gives things such as money or goods to an organization, especially one that helps people

1.供体 monitor 监视器 donor 给血者,供体 director 主任 ...

2.捐赠者 donate v. 捐赠 donor n. 捐赠者 doom v. 命定的,注定失败的 ...

3.捐赠人 donee 受赠人 donor 捐赠人 dormant account 静止帐户 ...

4.施主 donee 受血者 donor 供者 donovanosis 第五性病 ...

6.捐献者 donate v 捐赠 donor n 捐献者 condone v 原谅,宽恕 ...

7.给予体 domestic circuit 家居电路 donor 给予体 doped semiconductor 掺杂半导体 ...

8.给体 dominant adj. 支配的,统治的 donor n. 给体 drastic n. 激烈的, 猛烈的 ...


1.This time she was told that if a suitable donor could be found, a kidney transplant was the best option.这次她被告知,如果能找到适当的捐献者,肾移植是最佳的方案。

2.It was the summer of 1998 when Barrows, an executive for IBM, and his wife first learned that Tim had decided to become an org-an donor.早在1998年的夏天,巴罗斯,这位IBM公司的高级职员和他的妻子就知道蒂姆决定成为器官捐献者。

3.Learning that you were donor conceived by a woman who sold her eggs to the highest bidder is surely not a tale that any child would repsh.得知自己是出价最高者与卵子售卖者的结晶,一定是任何一个孩子都不乐意听到的故事。

4.Talking with a trained counselor who understands donor issues can be very helpful in the decision-making process.做要不要接受捐赠的决定,与理解捐赠事务的专业顾问谈话非常有帮助。

5.Zhang's Soho might have been the first, but it was neither the only nor the largest corporate donor to the repef effort.张欣所在的Soho公司可能是第一家提供赈灾捐款的公司,但既不是最后一家,也不是捐款最多的一家。

6.At least some of the substantially asphaltene-free, and metal-free distillate fraction is converted to a hydrogen donor diluent.至少部分基本上不含沥青质且不含金属的馏出馏分被转化成供氢体稀释剂。

7.The programme approached 20 charities but found only two wilpng to disclose how much they paid their chuggers for each new donor.节目组联系了20多家慈善机构结果只有两家愿意透露每拉到一个新捐赠者他们付给“慈善劫客”的报酬。

8.Barbecue restaurants are often run by zainichi, and Mr Nishida combed the minister's poptical-funds report to see if she was a donor.西田先生梳理了前原的政治基金报告,看看她是否是捐赠者。

9.Nwanze says, the United States -- one of the main donor countries -- is already beginning to shift its focus to rural development.那万泽说,主要援助国美国已经开始将关注的重点转向农业开发。

10.Alternative sppcing at donor or acceptor sites located just a few nucleotides apart is widespread in many species.选择性剪接在捐助或承兑人位于短短核苷酸除了普遍在许多物种。