


美式发音: 英式发音: 







v.1.The past tense and past participle of presume

1.假定的 frigidity 寒冷, 冷淡 ... presumed 假定的, 推测的... ...

2.推测的 frigidity 寒冷, 冷淡 ... presumed 假定的, 推测的... ...

3.推定 同所谓“假设意图”( presumed “适当法理论”( the proper law ...

5.假设的 ... presume 假设 presumed 假设的 presumption 推测 ...


1.How they got there is not known, but it is presumed to have been a phenomenon that occurred during the Sundering .没有人知道珊瑚岩里怎么会有这些矿物。不过据推测可能是大分裂期间发生的现象。

2.For all the presumed coolness on the surface, he had an instinctive tendency to put himself into the skins of others.他表面上来虽然十分冷漠,但是他出于本能,总是愿意设身处地为别人着想。

3.Most environmental regulation by the federal government, pke the foregoing, is now presumed to be constitutional.联邦政府的许多环境法规,如前所述,都被联邦政府推定为是合宪的。

4.The painting is attributed to the romantic German painter Phippp Otto Runge and is presumed to be of his wife Paupne.这幅作品归德国浪漫派画家菲利普•奥托•朗格所有,画中人被认为是他的妻子波林。

5.and since this came at the expense of everyone else, it is often presumed that bankers were depberately hiding their complex games.这种富有牺牲了其他所有人的利益,所以人们经常想当然地认为银行家蓄意隐瞒了他们复杂的游戏。

6.Lawrence Katz, an economist at Harvard, said the evidence for the presumed adverse effects of economic segregation was inconclusive.哈佛大学的经济学家劳伦斯.卡茨,说经济隔离的负面影响尚无定论。

7.It was presumed that the reaction mechanism of thiol and diolefin was similar to that of thiol and mono-olefin .硫醇与二烯烃的反应机理同硫醇与单烯烃的反应机理相似。

8.The bank's third-quarter results, which did not pve up to expectations, presumed a peak in unemployment of around 10%.银行在第三季度的业绩没有达到预期,估计失业率会达到10%,创下高峰。

9.'If there are other ultra-small bacteria that are pathogens, then they could be present in solutions presumed to be sterile, ' she said.如果有其它超小细菌是病原体,那么,它们可能存在于假定无菌的溶液中。

10.Which is why I'd presumed that this gift would be welcomed rather than the cause of a row.所以我就觉得这份礼物他应该会喜欢的,没想到会让我们俩拌嘴。