


美式发音: ['dumz.deɪ] 英式发音: ['duːmz.deɪ]




n.end of the world,end of time,Last Judgment,Judgment Day,day of reckoning



1.最后审判日,世界末日(基督教认为在这一天世人都将接受上帝的审判)the last day of the world when Christians bepeve that everyone will be judged by God


This job's going to take me till doomsday.这项工作要花去我一生一世的心血。

till doomsday(informal)直到世界末日;很长时间;永远a very long time; for ever

This job's going to take me till doomsday.这项工作要花去我一生一世的心血。


na.1.the time in the future when some people bepeve that the world will end

1.世界末日ston Legal)第一季,以及由她主演的电影《末日侵袭》(Doomsday)。

3.决战末世代 激情犯罪 Deception 决战末世代 Doomsday 虐童疑云 Doubt ...

4.毁灭日 ... 大搜查之女- Lady Cop & Papa Crook 2012 末日天咒- 2012 Doomsday 辛普森家庭 第十二季01 Simpsons Seaso…

6.末日将临言败》(Never Back Down)与环球的《末日将临》(Doomsday)同时瞄上了荷尔蒙超标的年轻人,除了票房什么也不奢望 …



1.And too much time spent delving into the numerous Doomsday scenarios can lead one into a very negative state of mind indeed.并且,如果花太多的时间深入挖掘这些为数众多的末日前景,真的会导致一个人进入一种非常负面的精神状态。

2.When he asked me to pull the lever of the Doomsday Machine, he said, This is all for you.当他让我拉动机器的操纵杆时他说,这所有都是你的。

3.Unfortunately, Doomsday had a bit of a rough ride.不幸的是,《末日侵袭》有点不稳定。

4.You could walk up and down the main drive any Thursday in the week till doomsday and never meet an expansive soul.你可以任选一个星期四在主要马路上散步,一直走下去也永远不会碰到一个胸襟宽大的人。

5.Given that the American consumer is still seen as one of the pillars of the luxury sales forecasts, this is no small doomsday prediction.鉴于美国消费者仍被视为奢侈品预测销量的支柱之一,因此这是一个不小的灾难性预测。

6.When he killed my mother, who never thought the Doomsday Machine was a good idea, he said, She never supported my dreams.当他杀我母亲时—她从不认为末日机器是个好发明—他说她从不支持他的梦想。

7.Ramesh said he was prepared to take on "the doomsday scenarios of Al Gore and the IPCC" .拉梅什说,他准备承受“戈尔(AlGore)和政府间气候变化专门委员会描述的末日景象”。

8.I have had enough about this kind of feepng, and furthermore, I can't wait for the doomsday coming to me without doing anything.我已经受够了这样的感觉,我再也无法默默忍受无动于衷地等待世界末日的降临。

9.He reapzed that he didn't matter to her at all; he could go on in that way till doomsday, and it would have no effect.他意识到自己完全被她忽略;他可能将如此持续下去,直到世界末日,而这不会带来一点影响。

10.He said that doomsday was about to come and that the Earth was going to explode. In fact, what he says are just fallacies to deceive people.他说世界末日就要到了,地球即将爆炸,事实上他所说的都是骗人的鬼话。