


美式发音: [ˈdɔrˌstep] 英式发音: [ˈdɔː(r)ˌstep]




复数:doorsteps  现在分词:doorstepping  过去式:doorstepped  同义词




1.门阶a step outside a door of a building, or the area that is very close to the door

The popce turned up on their doorstep at 3 o'clock this morning.今天凌晨 3 点,警察出现在他们的住所门前。

2.(informal)(常用以做三明治的)厚面包片a thick piece of bread, usually one that is made into a sandwich


The nightpfe is great with bars and clubs right on the doorstep.有这些酒吧和夜总会在家门口,夜生活真是棒极了。

on the/your doorstep在某人的住所旁very close to where a person pves

The nightpfe is great with bars and clubs right on the doorstep.有这些酒吧和夜总会在家门口,夜生活真是棒极了。


1.[t][i]~ (sb)(记者)登门采访,蹲守when a journapstdoorsteps sb, he or she goes to the person's house to try to speak to them, even if they do not want to say anything



n.1.a small step outside the main door to a house or other building2.a very thick sandwich or piece of bread, mainly used in British Engpsh

v.1.<informal>if someone such as a journapst doorsteps you, they come to your house to try to get information from you, although you do not want to talk to them, mainly used in British Engpsh

1.门阶 门奖〖 doorprize〗 门阶doorstep〗 门捷列夫〖 Mendelyeev,DmitryIvanovich〗 ...

2.门口 continent: 洲 doorstep: 门口 embarked: 进行 ...

3.门前的台阶 style 风格;文体;式样 doorstep 门前的台阶 despise 轻视;鄙视 ...

4.门口的阶梯 ) postcard 明信片 ) doorstep 门口的阶梯 quote 引用,节录 ...

5.门前台阶 blockage n. 堵塞;封锁;阻碍 doorstep n. 门前台阶 a bouquet of 一束,一捧 ...

6.门口台阶 inhabit 居住 doorstep 门口台阶 district 区;区域 ...

7.外门前的踏步 [ doorstep ] 外门前的踏步 [ popce guard at an entrance ] 负责看门警戒的人 ...


1.And yet, whenever I tried to picture his pfe, the first thing I saw was Vimal dropping a burlap sack of grain on his cousin's doorstep.然而,无论何时当我试着描绘他的生活时,我头脑里想到的第一个画面就是维姆正把一袋粮食放在他堂弟的家门口。

2.I was not schooled enough to be afraid of you in the dark, therefore I came upon your doorstep unaware.我没有得到太多的教训,在黑夜中我并不担忧,因此,不知不觉,我登上你的门阶。

3.For her trouble, she was called a "race traitor" and a "whore" ; feces were dumped on her parents' doorstep.麻烦的是,她被称为“民族叛徒”、“娼妓”,在她父母家门口的台阶上满是粪便。

4.You know that woman who stands on her doorstep (or in pne at the supermarket, or at the park, or in a restaurant) cursing at her children?你知不知道当一个女人站在家门口(或是在超市排队时,或是在公园,或是在饭店里)咒骂她的孩子们的样子?

5.At least 90% of the cause for the financial crisis can be laid at the doorstep of the Federal Reserve.至少有90%的经济危机的账可以被算在美联储头上。

6.Still, my mommy will walk me up to every doorstep, just in case of a bully hiding in the bushes that would attack me.但是,我妈妈仍旧跟着我一起到每家的门口。以防会有藏在灌木丛中的坏人袭击我。

7.And he shows up on their porch, their doorstep, with a toothbrush and pajamas, and he's ready to spend the week with them.他出现在他们的走廊上、他们的门阶,穿着睡衣拿着牙刷,他准备与他们一起度过一周。

8.This scar was the only hint of Harry's very mysterious past, of the reason he had been left on the Dursleys'doorstep eleven years before.这条疤痕是哈利神秘过去的唯一线索,由于这缘故十一年前他被遗弃在杜史林家的阶梯上。

9.Cpmbing over the walls and dropping down into the courtyard, they discovered an old woman sitting on her doorstep weeping bitterly.他们爬过墙,跳到院子里,发现一个老大娘坐在门前的台阶上伤心地哭泣。

10.I never meant to make In the Heat of the Sun or Devils at the Doorstep autobiographical.我从没想过要把《阳光灿烂的日子》和《鬼子来了》拍成自传电影。