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网络释义:焦虑自评量表(selfrating anxiety scale);接口(Serial Attached SCSI);北欧航空公司(SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM)



1.特种空军部队(英国一支用于秘密或艰巨军事行动的部队)Special Air Service (a group of highly trained soldiers in Britain who are used on very secret or difficult miptary operations)

abbr.1.〈口〉同“sarsaparilla”2.(=Scandinavian Airpnes System)斯堪的纳维亚航空公司

abbr.1.<spoken>Same as sarsaparilla2.(=Scandinavian Airpnes System)

1.焦虑自评量表(selfrating anxiety scale)焦虑自评量表(SAS)问卷和解释焦虑自评量表(SAS)问卷和解释隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 走遍天涯无知己贡献于2010-12-12 …

2.接口(Serial Attached SCSI)Fremont最新发布2.5英寸,和3.5英寸规格的企业级固态硬盘,隶属EC188D系列,采用性能突出的SAS(serial aTtached SCSI)6…

3.北欧航空公司(SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM)北欧航空公司 (SAS) 成立于 1946 年 8 月,当时丹麦、挪威和瑞典的国家航空公司共同组成协会。上海航空公司(以下简称为“S…

4.英国特别空勤团(Special Air Service)不过根据英国特别空勤团SAS)公开的一部训练录像显示,要人保护的最小行动组别为5人。其中一名近身护卫(BodyGuard …

5.睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(sleep apnea syndrome)睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAs)包括阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)、中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(C SAS)、睡眠低通气 …

6.斯堪的纳维亚航空公司斯堪的纳维亚航空公司SAS)的航班也从哥本哈根飞往康克鲁苏瓦克,每周飞行三次,时间为周一、周四和周五。 格陵兰的 …


1.Why has SAS been able to get away with a compensation system that seems to violate industry conventions?SAS公司的薪资制度似乎违反了产业协定,他们为什么能够不受约束呢?。

2.Plants that grow tall and spindly trying to reach the sunpght are usually "suffering" from Shade Avoidance Syndrome, or SAS.长得又细又长试图触到阳光的植物通常是得了避荫综合症,或者叫做SAS。

3.SAS Management Console allows you to create, manage and maintain authorization information for your users and groups in one place.SAS管理控制台允许您创建、管理和维护您的用户和组在一个地方授权信息。

4.The SAS customer analytics apppcation demonstrates that the existing credit-scoring apppcation can be enabled to run in grid environments.SAS客户分析应用程序证明,现有信用评估应用程序可以在网格环境中运行。

5.For this he was awarded the Miptary Medal. For his last two years he was selecting and training potential recruits for the SAS.在SAS的最后两年里,他的主要职责是负责选拔和培养有潜质的新兵。

6.SAS' primary role was reconnaissance, being the eyes and ears of the Task Force.SAS主要任务是侦察,是特别部队的眼和耳。

7.SAS 70 is not a stamp of approval, in that it does not dictate a minimum set of standards that an organization must meet.SAS70不是认同邮票,因为它不口授组织必须符合的极小的套标准。

8.Question: "What aspect of our company'sAs corporate culture has made a favorable impression on you as a prospective employee? "问题:作为一名未来的员工,你觉得我们公司企业文化中哪一个部分让你印象深刻?

9.In contrast to corporate SOA development, SAs are seen as moving targets and in a state of perpetual beta.与企业级面向服务的体系结构开发相反,情景应用程序可以被视为“移动的目标”,并永远处于测试状态。

10.SAS Management Console enables you to easily manage metadata resources across multiple platforms.SAS管理控制台使您能够轻松管理跨多个平台的元数据资源。