


美式发音: ['dɔrin] 英式发音: [dɔ:'ri:n]





1.多琳 Dora 多拉 希腊 神的赠礼 Doreen 多琳 希腊 神的赠礼 Dorothy 桃乐斯 希腊 上帝的赠礼 ...

2.多琳……神的赠礼 Dora 多拉……神的赠礼 Doreen 多琳……神的赠礼 Dorothy 桃乐斯……上帝的赠礼 ...

3.朵琳 凯丝琳·默特叶 Kathryn Merteuil 朵琳 Doreen 爱丽克丝 Alex ...


5.多琳希腊神的赠礼 Dora 多拉希腊神的赠礼。 Doreen 多琳希腊神的赠礼。 Ella 埃拉条顿火炬 ...

6.多林地区 Della 译名德拉; 德洛; 德利亚。 Doreen 译名多琳; 窦琳。 Camille 卡米尔 ...


1.Bryant Sugarman: Because you know nothing about Doreen and Jenny and Jupe and Gina. . . or spider, the family poodle.布莱恩•舒格曼:因为你对于朵琳、珍妮、茱莉和吉娜一无所知,或蜘蛛,他们家的贵宾狗。

2.Watching the float so intently made him sleepy: he had been with Doreen until two the night before.目不转睛地盯着浮标看使他发困:昨天晚上他和多琳一直呆到两点。

3.DOREEN : You give away our only boat in the middle of a flood! You are a genius, Henry. A regular Einstein.朵琳:淹大水,你还把唯一的船送人!你真是个爱因斯坦。

4.DOREEN : That's what they said in '73. Time we got back, what they didn't steal, they broke. Just for the hell of it.朵琳:73年洪水时,他们也这么说。我们一回,没偷走的也被破坏。真是气死人。

5.You get Mepssa, I get Doreen. No, wait a minute.梅莉莎让给你,我要多琳不,等一下

6.DOREEN : Henry! Don't you ignore me! You get right back up here right this minute! Henry.朵琳:亨利,你别不理我!你现在立刻回来,亨利。

7.DOREEN : Henry, they are not taking our boat! Fine then, why don't you just give them the television set?朵琳:亨利,不能借他们那条船!好,那干脆给他们电视机?

8.HENRY& DOREEN : No, we're just. . . . . . We're setting traps.亨利和朵琳:不需要,我们只是在……设陷阱。

9.Jesus , Doreen ! You caught a whole gang !老天爷,朵琳!你抓到一大票人。

10.Tess: Three nights ago I found you in bed with Doreen.苔丝:三天前的晚上,我发现你和多琳在床上。