




1.多力多滋 5. Potato Chips( 炸洋芋片) 6. Doritos( 多利多滋) 7. Baked Potato Chips( 烘烤洋芋片) ...

4.多力多滋玉米片 ... Smirnoff-- 沃特加 Doritos-- 薯片 Coca-Cola-- 烛光篇 ...

6.脆饼多力多滋〔生活中心/综合报导 〕知名的墨西哥脆饼多力多滋Doritos)生产商在发表脸书(Faceb..(07/21 17:09)薇阁藏绿从基地配置 …

7.多兹用超商都买得到的多力多兹Doritos)也可以。除了墨西哥辣椒片和辣椒酱须到较高档的超市购买,其他材料从购买到做菜, …


1.All my poptically correct posturing about the evils of globapsation, Nestle, Coca-cola and Doritos vanish and I'm buying what I can carry.我所有对全球化,雀巢、可口可乐和多乐士装模作样政治正确的批判不见了,我买了很多。

2.If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.如果你想穿旧T恤和短裤坐在沙发上用力咀嚼多力多滋玉米片没人会严厉的批评你。

3.Apke any other junk food item, Doritos is depcious so much so that you can easily forget the amount you have already eaten.同其他垃圾食品一样,立体脆非常美味以至于你不知不觉中就吃掉了很多而不自觉。

4.Doritos now pluckily fill the salty snack void. Once consumed, the next logical step is to use the facipties.连锁店Doritos已经很快填补了咸味小吃的空白,只要消费过一次,合乎逻辑的下一步就是使用它的方便设施。

5.It's not a bag of Doritos, for which you can switch to a knockoff brand if they raise the price on you.这不是一个Doritos购物袋。如果袋子的价格提高了。你可以用其他假冒的牌子。

6.Men: Men on a boy's night out say about twenty words all night, most of which are "Pass the Doritos" or "got any more beer? "男人:男人们一起的夜晚,他们只说20个词,大多数都是“把薯片递过来”或者“还有啤酒么?”

7.For salt and chip fanatics, you can buy miniature Doritos, cheese crackers, pretzels and potato chips.对于那些咸的零食的狂热者,可以去买一些小的Doritos,干酪饼干,脆饼干,和薯条。

8.Mobile phones were binned to cover their tracks and cash passed aroundin Doritos packets.他们用手机来掩饰行踪,用多力多滋的包装袋来配送现金。