


美式发音: [ˈdoʊsɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊsɪdʒ]



复数:dosages  同义词




1.(通常指药的)剂量an amount of sth, usually a medicine or a drug, that is taken regularly over a particular period of time

a high/low dosage大剂量;小剂量

to increase/reduce the dosage增加╱减少剂量

Do not exceed the recommended dosage .切勿超过规定剂量。


n.1.the amount of a medicine or drug that you take at one time

1.剂量 dosage form 剂型 dosage 剂量 double-decker bus 双层巴士 ...

2.用量 Mode of Apppcation 用法 Dosage 用(剂)量 How to Use 用法 ...

3.配药 配演〖 playasupportingroleof〗 配药dosage〗 配音〖 dub〗 ...

4.药量 ... 药局 pharmacy;dispensary 药量 dosage 药麻菊属 santopna ...

5.下药 DOS 软磁盘操作系统 dosage 下药;配料;剂量 dosapc 多硅铝质 ...

6.加量 甲酸盐 ||formate 加量 ||dosage 加重剂 ||heavy weight additive ...

7.药物用量 经别 divergent meridians 药物用量 dosage 通调水道 dredging and regulating water pass…

8.添加量 C18:2 Linoleic - 8% C18:2 亚油酸-8% ● Dosage 添加量 ● Packing & Storage 包装和储存 ...


1.There was no difference between the medium-dosage chinese medicine group and the high-dosage chinese medicine group.中药中剂量组与中药大剂量组之间没有显著性差异。

2.written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient.内科医师或牙科医师给药剂师写的书面说明,说明用于某个患者的药的形态剂量。

3.Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with the doctor or pharmacist first.在向医生或药剂师核实前,不得开始、停止或改变用药剂量。

4.Therefore, no matter how much iron oxide the fly ash contains, the concrete systematic resistivity increases as fly ash dosage increases.所以,无论多少氧化铁包含的粉煤灰,混凝土电阻率的增加系统的粉煤灰用量增加。

5.To ensure a proper dosage, check the label of your multi-vitamin to see how much vitamin D is included.为确保合适的用量,请查看你所购买的复合维生素的标签,搞清维生素D的含量。

6.There was no immediate change of visual acuity and perfusion pattern in these cases and it might be due to inadequate oxygen dosage.结果显示这四位患者的视力和灌流状态没有明显的变化,可能系因氧气的剂量尚不足以造成变化。

7.Some adult injected a small dose of heroin into the child's vein, continually increasing the dosage until a dependency had been created.成年人把少量的海洛因注射入孩子的血管,渐渐地增加剂量,直到他们上了瘾。

8.The irradiation dosage affected fruit setting and haploid embryo production, but there was no significance.辐射剂量的差异对座果率和单倍体胚产率都有影响,但剂量效应不明显;

9.Through the adjustment of drug dosage, orthostatic hypotension did not happen in three groups during treatment.通过对药物剂量的控制,各组均未见体位性低血压的发生。

10.Being an ex-victim of this particular human, I had to admit that I was gleeful at her receiving a dosage of her own medicine.身为这个人的前“受害者”,我必须承认自己为她自食其果而暗暗自喜。