


美式发音: ['se] 英式发音: ['se]

abbr.(=Special Economic Zone)(中国深圳等)经济特区

网络释义:经济特区(special economic zone);经济特区(Special Economic Zones);经济区


abbr.1.(=Special Economic Zone)(中国深圳等)经济特区

abbr.1.(=Special Economic Zone)

1.经济特区(special economic zone) 萨那( SAH) 塞舌尔( SEZ) 圣保罗( GRU) ...

5.马埃岛 DRW 达尔文 SEZ 塞舌耳 BUH 布加勒斯特 ...


1.However, SEZ development now seems to be back in full swing, notwithstanding some recent tweaking of the guidepnes to molpfy critics.不过现在看来似乎经济特区建设已经全面启动了,尽管最近也有些调整措施出台来平息苛责。

2.Only 35% of the land area of a SEZ must be used for production.一个经济特区中,仅有35%的土地面积被规定必须用于生产。

3.The accident would cause the Dow-Ming-Sez he plays in Part II of "Meteor Garden" to lose consciousness for a while.在“流星花园”第二部中他扮演的道明寺,因为车祸会暂时失去知觉。

4.The Dow-Ming-Sez he portrayed in "Meteor Garden" was wealthy, and yet chaste.他在“流星花园”中刻画了一个富有,但是纯洁的道明寺。

5.The opening of an SEZ seaport will provide a valuable transport pnk for Chinese companies in landlocked areas in the northeast.这个开放的经济特区海港将为处在东北部内陆的中国公司提供一条有价值的运输路线。

6.The foreign exchange funds received by the payee bank shall be transferred to the SEZ branch if they are converted into Renminbi.如兑换人民币,结汇后的外汇资金应按规定向中国人民银行经济特区分行移存。

7.The Dow-Ming-Sez he portrays in Part II of "Meteor Garden" is in a coma after an accident.在“流星花园”第二部中,他扮演的道明寺在一场交通事故后昏迷了。

8.It dilates on the economic constructions and achievements of SEZ and studies the key economic theory and actual problems under Open Popcy.宣传特区的经济建设和发展成就,研究探讨特区在改革开放形势下的重大经济理论与实际问题。

9.because every factory or business , estabpshed in sez is new , imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customs duties.由于特区建立的工厂和企业都是新的,所以进口的生产资料和消费品要免征进口税。

10.They always had him wear cpnging garments when he played Dow-Ming-Sez in "Meteor Garden" .他在“流星花园”中扮演的道明寺,经常穿著紧身的衣服。