





1.双重标准 7、text: 发短信 8、double standards双重标准 9、alternative: 可供选择的办 …

2.双重基准 奥嘉毕可斯 Olga Bicos 双面娇娃【限】 Double Standards 茱迪‧麦娜 Judith McNaught ...

5.两面政策这便是国阵政府惯用了许久的“两面政策”(double standards),你在华文报、淡米尔文报所读到的,无非只是说给特定族群听 …


1."I consider him a hero who stood up and fought against the double standards of US foreign popcy, " he said.阿克巴尔说:“我认为萨达姆是个英雄,他勇敢抵抗了实行双重标准外交政策的美国。”

2.Double standards show up in many fields all over the country, but none more than the testosterone-charged world of Wall Street.目前在整个美国,很多领域都存在双重标准的现象,但没有哪个领域比好像服了激素一般的华尔街更明显。

3.To his supporters Mr Assange is a hero of radical transparency, fearlessly exposing double standards at the heart of power.在他的支持者看来,阿桑奇是一位追求信息彻底透明的英雄,无畏地揭露权力核心的双重标准。

4.The question of double standards therefore does not arise.因此,有关双重标准的问题并不存在。

5.In knowledge, he identifies himself with the Truth and is not afraid to profess, nor does he indulge in the double standards of pfe.在知识上,他认同于绝对真理,他不怕这样承认,在生活上也不会有双重的标准。

6.Their message of social and economic injustice, and of the double standards in Thai justice, got a sympathetic hearing.他们对社会和经济不公平、以及泰国司法的双重标准的主题思想,得到了同情的倾听。

7.Two events this month betray the double standards with which Japanese officialdom treats China's rich and poor.这个月发生的两件事揭露出了日本官方对待中国富人和穷人的双重标准。

8.Your mind can justify double standards, it seems, but in your heart you know you're wrong.你的思想可以为双重标准辩护,但是扪心自问,谁又曾骗得过自己的良心呢?

9.Some of these bloggers point out that double standards exist in international relations too.一些部落客指出在国际关系中也存在着双重标准。

10.To be sure, some of the international criticisms of China reflect Western biases or double standards.当然,国际社会对中国的某些抨击映射出西方偏见或双重标准。