




1.邹 邹族战祭   战祭(邹 …

2.邹语 ■ 卑南族( Puyuma) ■ 曹族或邹族Tsou) ■ 雅美族( Yami) ...

5.邹族或曹族 Tso-Hsin Weng, 翁作欣 TSOU, 邹禕 TSOU I, 邹 ...

7.邹阿邹夏( Saisiat)、 布农( Bunun)、 邹或曹Tsou)、 排湾( Pai wan)、 鲁凯( Rukai )、 阿美( Ami )、 卑南( Puy…


1.The authors employ both acoustic and auditory analyses, as such it represents the first instrumental study of Tsou.作者兼采声学和听学的分析,因此是首次以仪器研究邹语的著作。

2.Carlyle's Tsou resigned from the board, but is still working with management to address the issues.凯雷的祖文萃从中科智董事会辞职,但仍在同这家公司的管理层合作,以化解危机。

3.Limited partners, the investors in private equity funds, are also becoming more selective, says Tsou.祖文萃说,投资于私募股权基金的有限合伙人开始变得越来越挑剔。

4.'Investors were very apprehensive about emerging markets before, ' said Tsou.祖文萃说,以前投资者对新兴市场非常担心。

5.Tsou says over two and a half years that fund invested in 22 companies in the region.祖文萃说,在两年的时间里,这只基金投资了该地区22家公司。

6.Mr Tsou estimates that the fund's total commitment to China this year will exceed $100m.祖文萃估计,该基金今年在华的承诺投资总额将超过1亿美元。

7."We are flexible along all these dimensions, " Mr Tsou said in an interview.“我们在各个方面都很灵活,”祖文萃在接受采访时表示。

8.Tsou said Credit Orienwise's prospects are 'improving.祖文萃说,中科智的前景正在改善。

9.Mr Tsou says the fund is pkely to make another investment in China of similar value to the TSM deal.祖文萃表示,该基金可能在中国进行另一项投资,价值与分时广告差不多。

10.About 80 per cent of the investments were made in China or India, and Mr Tsou expects a similar geographic focus for the latest fund.其中约有80%的投资发生在中国和印度,祖文萃预计,新成立的基金也会关注这两个地区。