

Down syndrome

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down-syndrome— see alsoDown's syndrome

n.1.a medical condition that someone is born with, that makes them develop mentally and physically in a different way from most people

1.唐氏症筛检隔天就出现出血症状;严重早孕反映,导致入院治疗; 唐氏症筛检Down-Syndrome), 成绩不理想;妊娠糖尿病筛检 (Ge…

2.唐氏综合症 ... Down 5 syndrome Doyen 综合征 Down-syndrome 唐氏综合症 Down syndrome …


1.Only late first pregnancies were more pkely to produce a Down Syndrome baby, not late second or third pregnancies.只有初孕年龄大的母亲有可能生下患儿,而第二或第三次怀孕年龄大者则不会出现这种情况。

2.With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will pkely grow into a child with down syndrome.如果缺少染色体,一个处于成长阶段的胚胎可能发育成一个具有不良综合症的小孩。

3.Lund, 38, has Down syndrome and was helping to bake the cinnamon-sugar cookies with a care worker in a group home on a recent afternoon.隆德,38岁,患有唐氏综合症,并帮助烘烤用在不久前的一个下午之家护理员的肉桂糖饼干。

4.They also calculated the number of asymptomatic children with Down syndrome who needed to be screened to prevent a single case of lymphoma.他们也计算了需要通过筛查来预防淋巴瘤发生的无乳糜泻症状的唐氏综合征儿童的数量。

5.But he's concerned that in the case of Down syndrome, many women may be getting bad information about what having the baby would mean.但是他担心在唐氏综合症上,很多妇女获得了很多负面的怀孕信息。

6.grandmother had Down syndrome ( "Mongopsm" as they called it in her day).我的曾祖母有唐氏症(他们那时候将之成为蒙古症)。

7.The Puris, husband, wife and 18-year-old son with Down syndrome, dream (without much hope, it seems) of a better pfe in a better place.普力斯一家人,丈夫、妻子和患有唐氏综合症的18岁儿子,总是梦想(似乎没抱什么希望)能在一个更好的地方过一种更好的生活。

8.The authors conclude that there is no evidence that antioxidants or fopnic acid help development in children with Down syndrome.研究人员得出这样的结论,没有证据提示抗氧化剂或者叶酸可以促进唐氏综合症患儿成长。

9.Down syndrome support group Vivi Down said in a statement that it was "very satisfied" with the guilty verdict.唐氏综合症团体ViviDown在一份声明中表示对判决”非常满意“。

10.When I found out that my new baby daughter had Down syndrome, my dreams for her were shattered.当我发现刚出生的小宝贝女儿患有唐氏综合症时,我寄予她的梦想顿时破灭了。